Episode 15

125 6 0

(Y/n's pov)


"Y/n I'm sorry! Please open the door." Tobias pleaded from the other side as I started to calm down. Having no intention to actually open the door, I just continued to sit there to block it from ever opening. "Please!" I hear him beg but he could beg all he wanted, he knew what he was doing.
The night got quieter and quieter and I heard nothing for awhile.
When the next sun arises I finally open the door and there was no one but genesis to greet me there with a tight hug. "Tell me all about it." So I did and explained the whole thing. I remembered the quiver of my lip and my shaking hand but at took it with comfort. "Hey, don't worry about it. It's not your fault." She was right. It wasn't my fault, it was his. I was more broken then I was before. I thought I could actually be happy. But she suffering several losses, I was destined to be broken them ever before. My heart feels like it can't beat anymore but it still goes on.
"Your okay." Genesis tells me and hugged me tightly.
As we hug it felt a tight pressure on my heart. The hug got tighter and tighter like I couldn't breath. I struggled and struggled until my eyes opened from the nightmare and saw a shadow pressing on my chest. I panicked and punched the thing in the face, they fell off the bed with a thump and groaning.
"What the fuck." I whispered and lit a candle and held it to the person's face to see it was none other then Sawyer.
"You traitor, I knew you would go back on your word!" I say and grabbed my dagger from the drawer. "No! No No! I was trying to wake you!"
"How did you find my home!" I yelled and he stood up and put his hands up. "I looked everywhere. Where is your weapon shop." He says and I raised a brow, tilting my head to the side a bit. "No I won't be using weapons to attack you. Now where is it."
I was hesitant at first, was I really going to give the location of our blacksmiths? "How will I believe You?" He groans softly as he hold out his hand. "I'll shake on it. I swear on my fucking soul i will not attack anyone or anything in ezra."
He says with his left hand on his chest. I shake my head with folded arms. "I do not accept." He mean mugged me and furrowed his eyebrows as I looked him dead in his eyes. "You don't need weapons to live here." I say simply enough which he groaned in annoyance and sat down in a chair. "I swore on my soul and your gonna pull that shit on me?" I nodded and laid back down in my bed and tried to go back to sleep. But after a few minutes I heard rustling in my room so I peaked and saw that he was looking through my stuff.
"What are you doing?!" I asked with anger laced in my tone which he turned to look at me. "You've got alot of stuff." He said as he continued to scavenge through my belongings. "Get out!" I demanded of him which he just chuckled and looked at me. "Im not stealing shit, I'm just looking." I scoffed as I sat up. "Well stop looking and get out of my house. You will get caught." I say in a low threatening tone, he put his hands up and shook his head. "Alright alright. I'm going." With that he left my home and the next morning I was woken up by gael who lit a few candles and shook me awake. "Hey, we gotta get back out into battle." Gael whispered gently and I slowly started to wake up and wiggle around in bed, sitting up and swinging my legs over and stood up. "I'll be outside." He says, walking out and shutting the door. I changed my clothes and into my armor.
I wasn't in much of a good mood, I wondered why Gael asked of me to wake up so early. It was until we we're in the council's room. Each of the seven council members sat in a circle up above while us angels sat below them. Almost a thousand chairs counted the room or maybe more.
The council had called us to discuss the matter of which the war has been carrying out in the favor of the fallen angels. The council in short is not happy about the results and how the gods are giving such vague answers everytime we call upon them for advice. More so Athena has been silent, almost as if she were angry or more so frusterated with us.
Backtracking, when the first angel had turned their back against the gods the council and many others became angry and casted them down to hades where hades kept the fallen angel then more and more falls down down down. Until the council had suddenly taken a chance and casted half of heavens population down to the underworld with no trial and no say in any of it. Assuming some will have turned against us and the gods at some point. That's how the story goes so I've been told. I've always been confused by why it came to be that way. But very quickly, the population of heaven grew quickly when we welcomed other good energies a place in here to stay. But the fallen angels felt replaced and angry and took it to war and so from then on, war struck and we've been at it since.
Since the favor is in the fallen angels, they have called upon respected angels to discuss. I sat by gael and Toby to listen in.
"My fellow angels, you've fought strong and hard to keep those who bring havoc upon us. We are far from proud though." Council member breil states, the angel who had gained the great honor and respect of zeus. "Yes we want you to fight stronger then ever before!" Great council member ren exclaimed with a booming voice.
"Thats why we want the elven people to fight along side us instead of aiding from the ground."
What they fail to understand though is they can't fly as of now. The council continues to ask, even of the fairies who are openly peaceful but still bring magic of chaos to us to help us learn. "We understand, but the elves cannot fly yet. They have their inventors work-"
"SILENCE!" A booming voice shrieks at the top with an echo through the room. The room went quiet until they speak again. "They will fight in the war along with us." My eyebrows furrowed in such frustration, Finn is working on wings of his own and soon to be making more and more along with other inventors but he can't work fast enough.
So I stand up in defense.
"On behalf of the elvens, the inventors are working on wings of they're own. Must you give them more time?" I ask of them and they look at each other, whispering to each other then nodding. "Perhaps." They say, I then see my mother nodding at me from the other side with a smile on her face. I nod back at her then look up back at the council.
"On to our next subject. Weapons, we demand goliaths from the elves as well." My heart sunk to the floor when they say this. We're these swords really necessary? "We will ask of them but it will take a bit." One angel states and the council nods with understanding. But they can be very impatient very quickly which makes it frustrating to talk to them.
They talk about other things like weapons, strategy, and even athena and questioning why she's so quiet.
This goes on for hours until the sun sets. "Your all dismissed." Then we all leave and I follow Gael and Tobias out of the building, toby was quiet but me and gael talk about what just happened and expressed our frustrations. "I can't believe they're pressuring so much from of us elves." I groaned with frusteration in my tone as I looked beyond and below at sole. "Hey, we will figure it out. The council is just a bit frusterated with us at the moment." With that, we big each other farewell and toby and gael leave home to asphire. Then I leave to ezra and take a rest at home in bed.


Me and my father were going to ashua to meet the leader of the fairies. Surprisingly it goes well since the fair folk are a bit stubborn with who they work with. I remember they had a good relationship with each other. The fairies give us pointers with they're magic and give us materials from their environment we don't have. For that we give them presents. Me and my father kept a strong bond with them i remembered. I still keep that bond. They swore to me that they will forever protect my father. Along with my mother who they swore to her as well. I will never forget it.

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