Episode 51

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(Y/n's pov)

We sat at the table while genesis's mother made us cocoa.
"How's the rebellion going?" Her mother (Jamie) asked casually from the kitchen. "It's going smoothly." I tell her and looked at sawyer who smiled at me. "The guardians are a problem though." Gael added on which I nodded in agreement. "There's Not much we can do about them though. We just have to keep stalling until we can find a way for the fallen angels to come in." Genesis stated which caused finn to Shush her. "Your too loud!" Finn exclaimed. "Yeah keep it down guys." Sawyer added to that. "We wouldn't want someone from outside hearing us." He says, making the table agree with him. We hear the door open and we see her father enter in, dirt on his face and all sweaty from the work he's done. I forget he's a blacksmith sometimes. He's a busy man trying to make his gems to support his family. He looked at us, the big man sits at the table with a thud, the floor even shook. When I tell you this man was big, I mean BUFF! His muscles are bigger then my hands, his hands could crush my skull like a pea.
"Welcome home sweety!" His wife greeted sweetly and he smiled at her. I could tell his soft spot was his wife, I knew how that felt because I'm in love with Sawyer. He's my soft spot.
"We were just talking about the...You know what." She whispers and sets a hot chocolate cup near him. The man glances at me and takes a sip of the hot cocoa. "You sure you have a good plan for It?" He asks curiously. "You dare question the plans of Athena?" He laughed a hoarse laugh and shakes his head. "Absolutely not." Those plans we had, those blueprints were athena's ideas she had given me through my dreams. She visits me sometimes in owl form and helps me that way as well. "I couldn't have done it without her." I say, taking a sip of cocoa. We all take notice if the snow outside the window, genesis's mother smiles. "Winter is coming." She said and looked at us. "You might wanna snuggle up, you need blankets?" She asked each of us. Everyone declines the kind gesture, saying they have all the supplies they need.
"Does your...you know what need weapons? I can make them for you and distribute them for free." I looked at him and smiled. "That would be fantastic." Sawyer says thankfully and she man cheers to him. "Not problem." He grins and drinks the rest if the cup of hot cocoa, stands up and goes to the bedroom.
"I'm proud of you all." Jamie said and sat with us at the table. "Your going to make good change." She said and I smiled, taking sawyer's hand in mine under the table, he squeezed my hand and smiled at me and kissed the top of my head. "I just don't understand how we could have forgotten our own history. The council hid it from us and what? We just forgotten It?" Gael questioned as he rubbed his eyes with frusteration. "Maybe it's what they wanted." Finn said and Sawyer piped in. "It's exactly what they wanted. If the public found out they banished a chunk of the population for nothing, they public would be outraged and overthrew them. They hid all of that history deep in the library where no one would find it." Sawyer said, squeezing my hand a little too tight but I didn't mind. I got that he was angry and he just needed someone to hold on to. I was just as angry as he was, figuring all of this out that day was eye opening. This isn't even a war to begin with. It didn't even have to he a war between the fallen angels and the angels. It only had to be a war between us and the demons.
"They didn't want us to know in the first place. We were lied to. Now there are angels suffering, trying to get back in their home." I say angrily. "Look, we're all angry. But let's focus on what's happening right now. The civil war, when shall we attack?" Finn asked. At this point the wings that Finn had made were manufactured and distributed to the elven public to use. So we did have allies of the elves. They hate the council just as much as we do. I don't blame them after what they went through with the council.
They threatened to take away our land if we didn't give them their goliath swords.
"I say after we know for certain our strategy." I suggest. "Just as long as you all know your doing, I'm still in." Gael stated with a weak smile. It made me appreciate all of them who were willing to risk everything. If it meant the corrupt council was gone, they were in always.
Soon we all ended up leaving genesiś house and me and sawyer just started to walk together to my home. Sawyer didn't need to live with me, his home was finished and he lived there at all times in genwae. But he does like to spend as much time with me as he can. When I got home, me and Sawyer hung out on my balcony together and looked up at the starry night sky.
I had changed my clothes from the wet ones from swimming in the lake with sawyer.
"Your so beauitful..." he said and turned to me with a blush on his face, making him smile. I blushed and tried hiding my big doof of a smile. Sawyer snuck closer, putting his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer and kissed the top of my head.
"I mean it..." he whispered to me and I smiled. "I love you sawyer..." I say and he strokes my hair.
"I love you too darling..."

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