Episode 45

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(Y/n's pov)


I was in a dark abyss, looking around. I could feel a strong vibrant precense there until the environment changed to a flower field. I was waking through the environment till suddenly I saw a woman standing there in armor, curly perfect hair and a cold gaze as she stared at me. I walked towards her slowly with curiosity taking over my body.
"It's been awhile." She said as she stood in front of me with a bold expression. "Who are you?" I asked her, her voice was familiar. She was the voice I had been hearing this entire time. "I am the goddess Athena you've been worshipping your whole life. You beg for my precense yet I've only given you the signs i see that you've needed." I stared in awe as the physical imbodiment of the goddess Athena was standing right in front of me. Talking to me. "I gave you signs the whole time. Sawyer." She says and continued to walk closer to me. "You refused my help. You refused to accept your help. Sawyer is the man your destined to be with." She said and angrily stood there. "You love him. Though you try to push it away it will never leave you. He will never leave you. Then I give you signs the council is the one you should be fighting against, you ignore me." She says in the most angriest tone I've heard in my life. It shook me to my core, making my whole body shake.
"Why were you quiet..." I asked her hesitantly. "We've all been quiet. We don't want to help with the war. The real war is you against the council. Everyone against the council." She says wisely. "What ever shall I do?" I asked her with fear in my eyes and tears brimming and she put her hand on my shoulder. "You must rally up an army. Fight against the council. They are your biggest threat. The fallen are your allies. Rally them. Sawyer is your destiny." She says and wiped my tears away and stared me in the eyes. "Is he okay?" I asked her. There was silence until she smiled warmly. "Your father had never left you. He will always be with you." A big gust if wing came over me and everything started to fade away and I woke up abruptly. Sawyer looked at me worriedly as he laid beside me. "You were wimpering, is everything okay?" He asked me, humming softly. I sat up straight and he put a hand on my shoulder. I looked at him in shock. "Athena! She reached out to me in my dreams! I saw her! She was-" sawyer shushed me and told me to take deep breathes. "What's happening?" He asked me softly and I breathed deeply. "Athena was in my dream. She told me the council is no who they say they are. She said it's everyone against the council, that the fallen are my allies. That you were my destiny." Sawyer was in pure shock as he stared me. "Athena doesn't do that for nothing.." he said and got out of bed. "What should we do?" He asked me with surprise. I stared at him and felt the conflict within me. But I knew what I had to do now. "We have to get gael and genesis." Sawyer agreed and I told him to stay there until I've grabbed them. Once I've gathered them both, I made sure we weren't being followed. It was still the middle of the night and I shut the door, lighting candles for light and making sure the curtains closed. I grabbed seats for them all and we sat together.
"Athena had finally spoken and reached out to me." I tell them and gael jumped out of his seat with excitement. "What did she say?!" Genesis asked with surprise. "She had told me the council is not what they say they are. The fallen are not our enemies but the real enemies are the council. Gael, remember what we read?" I Asked him and he nodded as his hands rests on top of his head in shock. "I think that's what she meant. They banished thousands and thousands of mostly innocent angels thinking they are corrupted. Almost all of those fallen angels want to get back in here because they were innocent." Sawyer folded his arms with a soft smirk on his face. "Finally you know..." he said and looked at me and I take a deep breath. "We have to rally up a rebellion." Gael stared at me with shock. "We can't! The council will banish us before we get the chance!" He says in protest. "Not if we keep it secret." I say with a soft smirk. "When we've rallied up our rebellion, we will overthrow the council and I'm sure the gods and goddesses will come back." I say and gael looked at me and sighed. "Is that why they left?" He asked me and I simply nodded. Not holding back the truth since the real reason they left us in the dark was because we refused their help. The council made us believe that they were the only ones that knew what was best. Mainly poe. "How will we do it?" Genesis asked and sawyer took over that part. "We rally my people and even people who disagree with the council who are angels. We will have to do it slowly to not draw attention." He explained. The entire plan was to try to get some fallen angels in here like commanders and gain their trust so that we can have a game plan so that we don't bring every single one of the fallen angels here. "Are you sure this is gonna work?" Gael asked with slight worry and concern. "What about Toby?" He asked and I hummed. "Trust my judgment. Never question the goddess of wisdom and battle strategy." I say with a smirk. Gael chuckled and we all put our hands in and our plan was now to be set into motion.
The next day I spent that entirety of the day with sawyer moving forward with the plan to get the commanders of the fallen angels in here. But it was a matter of finding them first.
We had to find a place to sneak out of the heavens and get down the the underworld and see if they were there.
"Y/n...?" Sawyer Asked and I turned to him with a questioning look. He was silent for a moment until he shakes his head. "Nevermind." I shrugged as We continued to look for a safe exit. So it doesn't look obvious we are trying to get there on our own.
We then found our exit which was actually behind the back of ezra. We looked to the right and saw the battle going on far away. We flew out of ezra and looked down at the abyss of the underworld. I gulped with fear.
"Don't worry, I'll get you out of there no problem." Sawyer said as he gently took my hand with a soft smile. I nodded and took a deep breath. Then we started to descend down into the depths of the dark  underworld. As we were making our descent, I could hear the suffering screams of every soul that is down here. I could feel myself tear up from how loud the screams were. "Your okay." Sawyer reassured as we continued our descent down into the underworld.
Then once our feet touched the hot ground, we walked on the ashy sand ground, looking around and see the fire, burning lava and demons running around tormenting damned souls. "I'm going to put an invisibility spell on you okay? I can't risk losing you to demons." I agreed with his statement and he had given me a potion, I chugged it down and my body slowly started to disappear.
We walked around the underworld until we found the settlement of the fallen angels. There were broken down buildings and tents. Fallen angels were bloodied and bruised. Some were crying and some were angry throwing fits of rage. I continued to walk through with Sawyer until we saw the commanders, looking panicked and angry. "We could go extinct at this rate...." one of them says, making me gulp in such disappointment in myself. I had felt so angry of myself not even realizing that what my people were doing was wrong.
"Rae, kalem." Sawyer called, the woman with black hair and ash on her face with a scar going across her entire face. She smiled widely and ran over, hugging sawyer tightly. A man with brown hair walked over and smiled as he folded his arms. He was pretty muscular and looked built like a truck. "Rae, kalem, I have news I want to share with you." The woman had a worried look on her face. It seems like they were used to bad news. "Sit." He told them and they walked a tent and sat down. I followed after and sat beside Sawyer.
"I will be honest with you. I got into the heavens." The woman and man gasped and the woman grabbed his shoulders. "How-" "hold on, let me finish." She sat back down and Sawyer smiled at them. "I have outside help. A woman named y/n l/n. Who let me in and kept me safe and hidden in the heavens, is on our side and is deciding to form a secret alliance with us." She gasped and put her hand over her mouth, tears welled in her eyes. Kalem was in absolute shock. "Her plan is to form a rebellion against the council and to over throw them. So if we were to do that, the gods and goddesses will come back and a new order will be established. But first, we need to make this alliance in order for this rebellion to work." Rae grinned and clapped her hands together excitedly. "OF COURSE WE WILL!" Sawyer grinned as she continued to clap her hands excitedly. "Great. Then kalem, rae, I would like you to meet y/n l/n." He put his hand on my shoulder and revealed my prescence, looking ghostly. Rae gasped and waved hello to me. I waved back and looked at sawyer. "She will lead this operation." They both nodded and with that all being said we had discussed how we will do it. He had told them that he needed to find a way to get them both inside the heavens. So we got this operation in motion, sneaking them inside and through an entrance we used to get safely out.
This operation was going smoothly...

Hear Me (Fallen angel x angel reader)✅जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें