Episode 44

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(Y/n's pov)

Me and Sawyer turn in a panic and I see gael and genesis walk in, staring at both of us as they both gasped in shock.
"Guys.." gael stared at me with shock and somewhat disappointment. Genesis had the same look but it was mainly shock written on her face.
"Traitor..." Gael whispered but I get out of bed and grabbed both of their wrists and slam the door shut. I shut the curtains and sit them both down in chairs. I grabbed chairs for me and Sawyer and we both sat down.
"Let me explain." I tell them as we both stared at each other.
Gael was angrily staring at me with folded arms about to object but genesis stopped him.
"Gael...let her explain." He looked at her, then at the two of us and sighed. "Sawyer is a fallen angel. But he's not bad." Gael scoffed when i said this and I glared at him. "He's not!" I snapped. "Sawyer's only offense was that he healed a fallen angel and he was banished for doing So! He was doing what he thought was right and got punished for it." I say, sawyer stared at me sadly and then turned to Gael. "Sir, I know you hate me and my kind. But understand, we are just like you." Sawyer said solemnly. "And ma'am, I don't know where your loyalty lies, but you have to believe that I don't come to harm, but to come here for a better life. I wanted to start over. I don't want to fight. I want my life back." Genesis and Gael stared at the sad fallen angel pleading for them to believe him and to accept him. I was pleading that they would understand. My heart can't take this pressure.
"May I also add..." Sawyer then said and gently took my hand. "I'm in love with this woman..." I say there quietly, looking at him and feeling a smile etch on my face as the two of them looked at us with shocked faces. Gael then sighed. "Start from the beginning." He says and let's sawyer tell him his life story, telling him how and why he was banished and telling him how tragic it was. Gael and genesis listened intently with folded arms, somewhat glancing at me but I just nodded along with what Sawyer  was saying.
"Well..." Genesis started and then extended her hand out eith a soft smile. "He has my approval." She says, Sawyer takes her hand and smiles widely. "Thank you..." gael stared at all of us as he was in deep thought. Then hearing him sigh, my heart stopped.
"I remember..." Gael says suddenly, staring at Sawyer with a cold look on his face. Sawyer looked at him with confusion. "I saw your trial. The say you were banished. I saw it all. I remember..." Sawyer's eyes widened as he stared at Gael with shock. Gael turned to me and then back to sawyer. "I felt your fear. Your saddness. I felt sorry for you. It was awful watching that happen to you." Gael said with sorrow in his eyes as sawyer's eyes filled with saddness. "I didn't forget...not like everyone else did." Gael's  hand stretches out towards sawyer as he stared him in the eyes. "Everyone deserves a second chance." He whispered and sawyer hugged him tightly. Gael wrapped his arms around him in a tight hug and they both pulled away. "You have my approval." He says with a soft smile. Sawyer smiled at Gael and turned to me, taking my hand again I squeezed his with comfort. "So what will you both do now?" Genesis asked curiously with slight worry. I take a deep breath. "He's staying here. He will hide here until the soldiers at genwae go away. Other then that I think he will be fine." I say with every word that slipped from my mouth I felt less and less confident. "We're where if you need help. The war is about to get messy." Genesis says as she stared at me with worry and fear. "With this added on to the war, I don't think the council will show mercy." My heart skipped several beats and I held my chest. Sawyer wrapped his arms around me comfortingly. "Take deep breathes. You'll be okay. We will protect you both, I promise." Gael says. "Especially from toby. He's determined to catch you both in the act of treason." I felt anger rise with in me. "Of course he's out to get me!" I growled and stand up from my seat. "He's been out to get me, he's nothing to me! He wants me to suffer!" They all stare at me with pity. Toby is going to try and catch me in the act because he can't accept that I've moved on from him. Because I broke HIS heart. I hate that man with every fiber of my being. "You're going to be okay. Just stay calm and keep sawyer here for protection." I nodded and take a few deep breathes. "Make sure to keep everything locked. You don't know how far he will go to catch you." Genesis recommended and that's what I did. All day I was securing the house to make sure that it was 100% Toby proof. No one can get in at all other then me. Genesis and gael stayed to help me. "We came originally to tell you that we need more of your help in the war." I raised a brow. "The fallen angels are more persistant then ever, trying to get in." Sawyer looked at them with an offended look on his face. "Sorry Sawyer..." she said and he just scoffed, shaking his head gently. "What do we do?" I asked her and gael rubbed his chin. "Theres not much we can do. The angels aren't going to banish them anymore. It's going to be a blood bath now that we have goliath swords." Gael said, causing Sawyer to stand up to object. "Goliath swords?! You mean to tell me that they are going to kill them?!" Gael took a calmer approach. "It's not us. Its the council, they demanded them of the elven folk and now their ordering us not to shove them back down, but to kill them." Sawyer's eyes had fire behind them, I could feel his blood boiling with anger. He looked at me and said. "Is this the council you want to serve y/n? This council doesn't want peace, this council wants to hurt and kill their own people or what was once their people. Do you still not know what they did thousands of years ago?" Gael stared at him confused but I stood there with worry. I clenched my jaw as he was laying on to me. "What happened?" Sawyer laughed obnoxiously. "Go to the library and find out for yourself." Sawyer said and walked to the next room, shutting the door.
"Go to the library..." the voice spoke softly in my mind. It's time to figure it out. "Let's go to the library then." I say with determination. The off me and Gael went. Genesis had to work for her dad once more but wished she could tag along. It was time to figure out the truth.
We went to roalm and snuck through the building and to the library. Making sure no one would see us, the library at this time would have to be closed. The moon was up at this point. We snuck passed the door and walked through out the room. "History section." I tell him, grabbing his hand and leading him there. We looked through the shelf.
We were there for a half hour looking through book after book. We saw nothing. We sat on the floor groaning with frusteration. What did he want us to know? I wonder to myself with annoyance.
Suddenly something flew over head and a book landed right in front of me and gael. He crawled beside me and looked at it then at me. We looked at each other curiously, looking up and seeing a white owl cooing at us. I reached my hand and opened the book, the pages flipped on its own. Landing on a specific spot in the book. My and Gael nervously looked at each other and read the section together.
"The apocalyptic era of vanishing to the purity of chaos. The chaotic man with lusts for the god like power our gods possess. With an anxious hand, he made sure there were no corrupted angels. The one thing to do was the one thing every angel sworn to the gods never to be. The innocent lives to over half the population of the peaceful territory were banished by the hand of councillors. The silent era begins..."
I looked at the owl and it was gone. Vanished. I looked at Gael with shock and him the same. "Am I reading that right?" I asked him with tears in my eyes. Gael was rereading it over and over again. "They banished half the population of angels whether or not they were innocent..." I slammed the book shut and snuck it. "What are we going to do?" He asked and I glanced at him. "Figure out a way to reach out to athena..." I tell him as we walked out of library and out of the church. Sneaking the giant book out.
"How will you do that?" He asked me and I just sighed. "Now is the time to focus how to sneak out if here." I say and Gael agreed. Then once we were safely out we flew as fast as we could out of here and back to ezra.
"I'll figure it out." I tell him.

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