Episode 47

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(Y/n's pov)

"What brings you here?" My mother asks me as she sips her tea. I fiddle with the cup in my hands, staring down at the liquid inside.
"Promise me you won't be mad?" I asked she put her hand on her chest. "Soldiers honor." I smiled at her and looked back down at the cup, thinking to myself for a moment. Was this really the time? Would she be on board? How do I tell her? I had so many thoughts racing through my head until I felt her hand on mine. "Breathe." I take a deep breath like she suggested and exhaled out through my mouth. She gave me a reassuring glance and smiled at me.
"Mother, I want you to join my rebellion." Shock was painted on her face as she stared at me, taken aback by my sudden words. "Rebellion?" She repeated aloud and I nodded. "Tell me what for." She said and folded her arms as she furrowed her eyebrows at me. "Rebellion against the council." I tell her bluntly and she put her hands on the table and looked me dead in the eyes like I was crazy which i was.
"They'll banish you if you start this y/n! Its absurd!" I stand my ground at her protest against it. "Let me explain why." I say. "Athena has reached out to me and told me the council is bad news. She showed me a history book in the library stating thousands of years ago, they banished innocent angels with no reason at all. The book said that. It was deep inside the library like they were hiding it." I explained which she looked at me like I was even more crazy! "Mom you have to believe me. Athena, the goddess we begged answers for has reached out to me to tell me this!" I told her and she calmed down a bit, rubbing her temples. "Do you realize the dangerous game your playing?" She asked me, rubbing her temples like she had a headache. I looked at her with confidence in me.
"This could get you banished." She told me worriedly. "I know. But with this rebellion we will be free from corruption. They banished innocent angels and for what? From fear? If it was from fear, that's pretty pathetic." I told her and she gave me a sharp sigh. This bickering went on for a few minutes with her worrying. She had every right to be worried, but I've come to the conclusion that if I really wanted this to work, I would be the one to take full blame. To save everyone else the trouble. But let's not tell anyone about that.
"But what about-"
"MOM!" I shout and stand up looking at her. She looked at me with intimidation. "Thousands of fallen angels who are down there are MOSTLY innocent! They have been banished for THOUSANDS of years and DONE NOTHING!" I shouted angrily at her with tears of anger pricking my eyes. "What's encouraged you to do this?" She asked asked me with curiosity. I stayed silent for a moment, not knowing if I should actually tell her.
"A man named sawyer. He's a fallen angel that snuck in here. He...He was the one that helped me with my training. Helped me realize a few things i won't go into detail about. Sawyer he...He needs me. His people need me. Mom please, I'm begging you." I say desperately. She stared up at me folded arms and furrowed brows, she wasn't happy at all. She sighed sharply. "Promise me you'll be smart." She said and stands up. I nodded with a smile stretching on my lips. "I will help you." She said and pulled me into a tight hug. "Please don't die..." I nodded and squeezed her in the hug. "Thank you mom..." I whispered and she pulled away, caressing my cheeks with her thumbs. "I love you." She said softly and smiled, petting my head.
"I love you too." I say and turn away to the door. "Hey!" I turned back to her with a raised brow. "Tell athena I said hi." I smiled. "Will do." I leave her house and go straight back to ezra to find sawyer.
Once I had gotten to genwae, i looked around the forest for sawyer until I saw him just sitting at the lake alone watching the sun set. I walked up and sat next to him and put my head on his shoulder.
"Long day today." He said as we both watched the sunset together. "What happened?" He asked me and I smiled. "She's on board." I tell him about the situation about my mother and what happened while i was trying to convince her.
"Must have been hard telling her." He guessed and I nodded tiredly. "She's been fighting this war too long. She's tired." I tell him and he looked at me sadly. I assume he was feeling pity for my mother. She was a trooper, she's strong and I assume she has joined are rebellion so that she didn't have to fight anymore. Endlessly.
This was is getting way out of hand that some angels are getting fet up with it. This rebellion will do millions good. It's hard now, the council is always demanding of us, it was time to stick up to them and overthrow them to give the gods and goddesses back their power.
"Im glad we've started this." I say to sawyer. Sawyer smiled and wrapped his arm around me. "I'm glad to be with you through all of it." He says and kissed my cheek lovingly.
We stayed there for a long time. It was  just very surene as we watched the sun go down. Sawyer started to softly hum a tune to cover the silence, my head was still on his shoulder and my eyes began to close as I fall asleep.
I then soon fell asleep to the sweet humming of his voice.

(Sawyer's pov)

I decide to take her home to put her to bed. I tucked her in tightly in the blankets so that she was as comfortable as possible.
"Hey." I turned around and saw Finn standing there with furrowed brows. But I wasnt threatened in any way. He just stared at me and I stared at him awkwardly. "Um..hey." I greeted back and walked across the room. It was silent, I shut the curtains and cleaned up her room a bit. Making it tidy.
"About y/n..." Finn started and I turned to him with a raised brow, curious of what he had to say about me and her. He looked at her sleeping in her bed, she was gorgeous when she slept. I'm ashamed to admit I watched her sleep sometimes. It was hypnotic in a way, just seeing her calm made me calm and feeling that peace in me. "Keep her safe." Finn said and looked at me with a soft look on his face. I nodded. "I will." I stated softly and he hummed. "Don't break her her heart neither." He said and walked up to me and held his hand out. I take his hand tightly and put my other hand on his shoulder reassuringly. "I promise from my very soul, I have no bad intentions to hurt her." Finn had a smile creep on his face and he nodded, shaking my hand and backing away. "Just making sure." He said and started walking to the door but stopping for a moment to look at y/n on last time. He smiled before he left. I walked to the bed and crawled next to her and wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her close to cuddle.
"I promise..." I say to myself.
"Promise what?" I hear her ask and I just smiled.
"Don't worry about it."

Hear Me (Fallen angel x angel reader)✅حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن