30 | Ocean

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(A/N:  plays Pink + White by Frank Ocean on replay)



God, he is so beautiful, I thought as I wwas watching the raven-haired boy, biting my drinks straw as he bent down to hit the red ball.

I smirked when it went in, show off.

His brown eyes made a quick glance at me, before looking back at the pool table intently.

I smiled and bit my lip, thinking back to last night here at the White Wyrm after closing time.


"Fuck," groaned Sweet Pea as I tugged his hair harder and grinded on him as he sat.

With his hands on my ass, he gripped it as he stood up. Naturally I tightened ny legs around him and smiled into the kiss. He tugged my lip and I moaned. He pulled back quickly to smile and reconnected our lips, placing head at another angle to deepen the kiss.

I didn't even realise he had moved from the couch he was sitting on until he paced me on a table and pushed me down. He trailed kisses down my jaw, to my neck, biting and sucking at my sweet spot. I turned my face and saw I was laid on green velvet.

I smirked. The pool table.

I grabbed his face and pulled him back to kiss me hard before I started working on  his jeans.

He pushed me off  and resumed his attack on my neck that I desperately disturbed.

His hands trailed down to my jeans and began working on them as his kisses started going further down.

With heavy breaths, I said huskily,  Toni..... will.... kill us," with that he quickly pulled back and stared down at me smirking, presseing himself even harder against me.

He leaned down to the point his face was hovering mine that I could feel his lips even though mines weren't touching his.

"Guess we better give her something to talk about," he said with a raspy voice that made my body grow hotter.

*End of Flashback*

"You know, I'm still pissed at you," came Toni's voice behind me.

I jumped, too busy recallung last nights events in thus very bar and the unholy things Sweet Pea had done to me not so far from here.

I looked back and saw Toni behind the bar giving me a strict look.

Oh, shit.

"Well don't blame me. You know how I get with Frank Ocean," I shrugged, sipping on my drink innocently.

"Yeah well, you're lucky no one noticed anything different with that table," she scolded.

"Come on. I cleaned up before opening time, besides they may not notice anything but they may have picked up on the vibe of the table," I said, biting my lip to prevent myself from smiling.

Toni rolled her eyes and laughed before going to serve someone else.

Feeling eyes on me, I turned and saw Sweet Pea pressing himself against the pool table leaning on the pool table.

I blew out a shaky breath.

Fuck me.


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