29 | Tell Me Something

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Warning: Includes self-harm, depression and suicide attempt



I need the pain to go away.

The embarassment and disgust to disappear.

I need all these dirty memories to leave my body.

I don't care if I have to to push it out through my veins.

With that I got the razor blade and began the process of freeing myself from the pain.

Sweet Pea's POV

I was laughing at something Fangs said when Toni showed up with a grim look.

"Where's your girlfriend?" I said in a concerned tone, suspicious that red head Blossom was the reason for my best friends face.

"She's not coming to school today, she's checking in on, uh, Y/n," said Toni, still with a sad look.

My heart beat sped up.  Oh no, is something wrong with Y/n?

"What's wrong with Y/n?" I asked worried about her.

"She was rushed to the hospital on Saturday, her parents found her with cuts on her hands. So now she's at home, resting,"  saud Toni grimly.

"Cuts?! Who gave them to her?" I asked ready to give that person a beating.

Toni sighed, "Herself," I was in shock, the girl with the most beautiful smile and magical personality cut her wrists.

I made a move to go when I felt a hand gripping my arm, "Don't Sweet Pea," said Toni sternly. "I know you love her, but she wants privacy... and you're not her boyfriend," shecontinued.

I clenched my jaw, "No, I'm not. But I am her friend, and I need to be there for her," I said and walked out of Toni's grip.

~time skip to  Y/n place~

I arrive and see Cheryl leaving her house.

"Cheryl!" I yelled as I ran to her.

She looked at me,"Oh Sweet Pea. I'm guessing Toni told you," she said with a straight face.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Well heads up, she is not seeing anyone. Not even her bff - me," she sighed.

"Oh..." I said a little disappointed.

Cheryl then spoke with such a soft tone, "But as much as it pains me to say, she might not refuse you," she patted my shoulder before leaving.

I knock om the door and was greeted by her mum, "Hello?" she asked.

"Hi, I'm here to check on Y/n" I said simply.

She looked me up and down before closing the door in my face.

I blew out a harsh breath. Did she just close the door in my face?

I was about to turn  and leave when the door opened and Y/n mother smiled at me.

"Come in. She's upstairs third door to the left," she said quietly gesturing for me to go up the stairs.

I go up slowly, taking my time to see the walls of their house that is littered with photos of their family and beaming Y/n.

When I approached her room I took a deep breath and walked in, only to see her laying on her side giving her back to the me and the door.

"Hey Sweet Pea," she said with her beautiful voice.


Sweet Pea mafe his way and sat on a chair beside my bed.

"Hey," he replied.

"Came to check up on me? You can tell everyone to not worry, they didn't have to send you," I chuckled dryly.

"They didn't....send me," he mumbled.

I turned around so I was now laying on my other side facing him.

I looked into his eyes as he gazed back into mine.

"In fact they told me to give you space and time, but I knew..." he said stopping swiftly.

"Knew what?" I asked curiously.

"That the last thing you truly want is to be alone," he said.

Wow... I thought.

"Tell me something..." I mumbled, "What makes you think that?" I challenged.

"When you genuinely love someone, their thoughts and feelings become a fifth sense to you," he said leaning forward.

He loves me?? I thought as I rubbed my throbbing wrists.

"Now tell me something," he said bringing me out of my thoughts. "Why is it that this girl who managed to capture my heart, who is so bright, funny and amazing decided to slit open her wrists?" he asked quietly with a serious tone.

I looked at him, "Being society's idea of perfect...invites the most vicious monsters. I was simply trying to remove those monsters," I said quietly.

He reached his hand out to my face and caressed my cheek.

"Well for what it's worth, your not perfect in my eyes and that's what makes you a true beauty," he mumbled


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