06 | Just Friends 2

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Sweet Pea's POV

It's been months since Y/n left. She left without a word, without a note... Just thinking about it hurts, how could she leave me without any notice?!
I was upset and even when Josie came to me asking for me to escort her to her mum and Kellers wedding I couldn't go. She was just using me, she wasn't serious with me. The one serious relationship I had was with with Y/n, our friendship. Even though I didn't want it to be a friendship, but something more.


Staying with Gladis and Jelly Bean has made me happy and forget about my hopeless love for Sweet Pea. I was helping Jellybean fix a car when I heard a familiar voice. "Jughead?" asked Jelly Bean and went to get her brother and Archie, while I continued working on the car.

"Y/n?" I heard Archies voice.

I looked up from under the hood and smiled at them, " Hey boys," I smiled.

"I should've known you'd be with her," said Jughead knowingly.

I just shrugged and went to hug them both.

~later that night~

We were all sitiing down Jughead, Archie, Jelly Bean and I, when Jughead spoke up, "You know Sweet Pea hasn't been the same since you left,"

Tensing up a the mention of the boy who stole my hearts' name, "So? He has Josie to make him happy," I said gruffly.

"Josie left him, you know. To him she could never amount to you," said Jughead.

I rolled my eyes," Yeah sure, I'm going to get some shut eye," I say walking off.

I was laying in bed in my pj shorts and top when Archie came in. I don't know what it was but the next thing I know Archie and I were on my bed with no clothes on enjoying eachothers company.

The next morning I woke up with and ache between my legs and an arm wrapped around my waist. I turned and saw Archie sound asleep and I smiled to myseld thinking about last night. His soft tender kisses, his grip on my body, I could tell we both were just finding comfort for a the love we crave from another. I was deep in thought when Archie had woken up, "Good Morning," he mumbled into my neck.
"Well good morning," I said turning around and straddling his waist. I began kissing him when Jughead barged in ruining the moment.

"Oh sorry! But we have to get a move on,"said Juggy looking anywhere but us. Understanding we got dressed and headed out where we would go our separate ways, Archie off to Canada and me back to Riverdale with Jug... God, what am I doing.

~Back at Riverdale~

(A/N: This is what you wore.)

I entered Riverdale High and it was as if I was the new kid

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I entered Riverdale High and it was as if I was the new kid...well technically I kinda was.
Ignoring all the looks I got mostly for my dressing, I went and got my schedule and headed for my locker. I was at my locker when I heard this laugh. I froze and I knew he saw me when his laughter suddenly stopped. Afraid to turn around and see his face, I just stood there staring into my locker.

That's when I felt a tap on shoulder, "Y/n?" I blew out a breath of relief as I turned and "Hey Toni...Fangs!" I said smiling and hugging them ignoring the tall raven haired serpent that has been watching me intensely. After catching up with Toni and Fangs, I turned and walked away. I was walking for class before I got pulled into the music room.

"What the hell?!!" I exclaimed and looked up to see him locking the door before truning to face me. That's when I notice how he looked, he looked...empty.

He loomed into my eyes and whispered, "Why?"

I didn't have an answer.

"No calls, no texts, no note...just up and left," he spoke softly. I placed my hand on his cheek, "What was I supposed to do... tell you that I've been in love with you for years, and make you choose? I saw the way you were with Josie... you were happy and I didn't want my feelings to ruin that," I said in a broken voice.

He looked at me in shock when I had said I was in love with him. As soon as he recovered he pushed his lips against mine, kissing me with what felt like every fibre of him. He pulled back and whispered, "Do you know how long I've waited to hear you say that you love me the way I loved you all these years. I tried going out with all these girls...but none of them can replace you," he said with his forehead pressed against mine. I smiled and kissed him back hard, immediately he kissed back with his arms slithering to my ass. "Jump," he whispered and I did wrapping legs around his waist as he pushed my againt a wall grinding on me. Suppressing my moans, I quickly removed his shirt as he did mine and we went back to kissing. We ravished eachothers body in that limited amount of time, because we have been craving each other for years.

When we were done we left the music room with his arms around my newly hickey decorated shoulder. I looked up at him and smiled as he leaned down to my ear, "To be continued. We have many years of catching up," causing me to bite my lip.

We ran into Fangs and Toni and they smiled knowingly, "So what are you guys?" asked Toni.

Sweet Pea wrapping his arms around my shoulder, he smiled, "More than just friends" he smiled it brightly.


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