16 | Mad At Me

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I hate it when he does that! I thought as I sat at Pop's reading through my book, The Hobbit.

I am honestly grateful that I had brought my book today, because reading helps me calm down and forget my anger.

Sweet Pea doesn't know it yet but he is gonna kiss this book cause it just saved his ass.

I was reading when I heard the door of Pop's open and slowly glanced up to see who it was.

There standing in his bad boy stance and brooding glare he looked around for someone. More specifically me.

Before he spotted me, I went back to reading or at least tried to. It was hard because all of a sudden all my senses were focused on Sweet Pea.

I heard his steps coming closer until they stopped. Then I heard him sliding into the booth opposite me.

But still with my pokerface on, I pretended that I didn't mind him and was still reading.

After about 10 minutes he spoke up, "Well? Are you still mad at me?"

I didn't respond, I just flipped the page of my book sassily.

"In all honesty, you have no right to be mad. If anyone should be mad it should be me," he spoke cooly.

And that's when I lost it.

"Excuse you?! You should be mad?!" I said loudly, but not loud enough to cause a scene or grab everyone's attention.

"Yeah," he said in a 'duh' tone.

Ooohhh I'm going to kill this boy, I thought as I shoook my head and pinched the bridge of my nose.

Takingba deep breath, I looked back up at Sweet Pea, "Care to explain?" I asked.

Then he smirked, and that's when I knew he only said those things just to get me talking.

"Well you were letting him flirt with you," Sweet Pea said simply.

I rolled my eyes, because that was his same excuse everytime he got in a fight with Reggie.

"Oh my god Sweet Pea! We wete just talking, he said a joke and I laughed at it. Besides you know he is like a brother to me," I said frustrated.

He gave me a hard look before shaking his head, "What about what you are to him? I see the way he looks at you, it's the same way every other guy looks at you... It's the same way I look at you," he sighed at the ending.

"So you look at me with sisterly love?? That's kinda messed up don't you think?" I asked jokingly, trying to lighten the mood.

He chuckled and I smiled as he did.

"I'm serious though," he stated.

I sighed. "I don't care about how they look at, for all I know the looks they give me are pretty much non existent. I mean your the only thing on my mind," I smiled. "Besides school, my other friends and family, of course," I added.

He laughed at my late input.

"So, you're not mad at me anymore?" he asked, reaching and holding my hands while giving me a puppy dog face.

I rolled my eyes, "No, but that doesn't mean you can go around again starting fights with people. Especially with Reggie, since you always get into them with him," I sighed.

"I am not worth the trouble," I said quietly, holding his hands a little more tightly.

As if what I had said struck a nerve, he looked at me quickly.

"Babe, you're worth getting in to trouble for, committing a crime. Your worth everything to me," he said bringing my hands to his mouth where he kissed them sensually.

He then looked at me through his eyelashes, "Don't ever say that again, okay."

I don't knowif it was the way he looked at me or the way he said it but I knew if I ever do say that again, I will be punished.

And I pretty sure I'll enjoy it.


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