12 | We'll See

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I whizzed my way through the hallways of Riverdale High with music blasting in my ears, hoping to not recieve any unwanted attention. As I was walking through the sea of people I passed by Sweet Pea and smiled at him.

He looked down at me and smiled back. I continued on to my locker where my best friend Cheryl was smiling at me slyly.

"What?" I asked her as I opened my locker.

"I saw that you know," she simply said.

"Saw what?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"That look you gave to Sweet Pea," she said.

"I just smiled at him, plus we're just friends. It would be considered rude to not smile him," I replied slamming my locker shut.

"What about Fangs and Toni? You didn't smile at them," she asked.

"Because they were not the-", I asnwered but stopped when I realised they were all standing with Sweet Pea.

I don't know what it was but I just couldn't peel my eyes off of Sweet Pea. I was looking at him when he turned and faced me.

Sweet Pea's POV

I was standing with Toni and Fangs when they were smirking at something behind me. I looked at them,"What?" I asked sounding annoyed.

"Nothing, just a certain little someone is looking at you," said Toni.

I turned and saw Y/n looking at me, and I just held our eye contact for a good solid minute before I smiled and turned back to Toni and Fangs.

Turning around I noticed Toni and Fangs looking at me as if I grew a second head, "What?" I asked now annoyed.

"Nothing it's just you smiled," said Fangs.

"What?!" I asked now comfused.

"Yeah but when with girls you're interested in you smirk at them," said Toni.

"Who said I was interested in Y/n?" I said trying to hide the fact that I am.

"Stop trying to hide it its obvious to everyone, except to you two," said Fangs.

"We know you really like her... So are you gonna make a move?" said Toni.

I glanced at Y/n and smiled as I saw her laughing at something Cheryl said, just looking so gorgeous.

"We'll see," was all I said before walking over to the gorgeous girl who has been on my mind from the moment I saw her 3 months ago.


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