05 | Just Friends

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(A/n: This is the swim wear outfit you wore.)


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Sweet Pea and I have been best friends ever since we were 7, we joined the serpents together and have gone through rough and good times tgether. So when he had started his little fling with Josie, I wasn't bothered by it, until he started ditching me whenever she called him. I don't understand why he is getting so attached when he knows that as soon as school starts Josie will end it. Then he ends up being depressed and turns to me... if only he could see how much i love him. It sucks being in love with you best freind.

Today is the last day, before school starts and Cheryl and Toni are hosting a pool party at Thornhill. Sweet Pea and I arrive there, and were greeted by Toni.

"Hey guys! It's been a long time, what did I miss?" she asked excitedly.

"Well, Sweet Pea is banging Josie and-," I said nonchantly before being cut off by Sweet Pea. "Its more than banging her Y/n, theses past months with her have been the best," he said dreamily before spotting her and running after her.

I don't know whether it was what he said or how he said it, but something inside me broke. Toni noticed this, "Don't worry... soon he'll realise that the girl for him was right in front of him all this time," she said placing a hand on my shoulder.

"He talks as if the time he spends with me is horrible, as if all thosetime were we hang out, tell stories and play around were just nothing..."  I say annoyed.

"Can't wait to say we told you so, to him," she laughed trying to lighten mood. I just smiled and went to find a seat.

I was relaxing on one of the chairs next to the pool when I notice that at the opposite end of the pool sat Josie and Sweet Pea with their legs in the water. Watching them through my shades, I notice Sweet Pea talking to Josie smiling and moving closer to her until she backed up. But then she whispered something to him while leaning close to his face and kissing him before getting up and walking away. He watched her walk away and chuckled to himself before he noticed me and got up to see me.

"Hey," he said smiling at me before taking a seat next to me.

"Hey," I replied pretending to just lay there as if I am soaking up all the sunlight. "How's the party going for you so far?" I asked.

"Josie's being such a tease right now......," he groaned.

Rolling me  eyes and I just said, "And?"

"And imma make her regret ever doing that," he said smirking before taking off to where Josie was. I watched as he picked her up and carried her off somewhere to probably bang her.

That's when the tears came down, I stood up and walked, trting to escape this stupid party. I was about to leave when Toni came to me, "Hey... calm down okay... he doesn't love her like he loves you okay?" she said while holding both my shoulders.

"Yeah because his love for me is pure friendship... God I am so stupid for waitingand hoping he'd notice! But now I fonally got it through my head...... I'm just a friend and awlays will be," I said pushing Toni away and getting the hell away from here.

I got on my bike and went to my trailer, where I packed the essentials and a few pair of clothing. I quickly texted Toni.

Toni🐍❤🤭: skipping town for a bit. I need to clear my head... dont expect me back too soon.

I then got on my bike and drove to the only place I know no one would think to look for me.

Once I arrived there I tapped the gate and was face to face with the woman who had been there for me when my awful parents weren't until she had to leave.

"Hey Gladis" I smiled.


Part Two?

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