19 | Puppy Love

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"He is so madly in love with you," sighed Kevin as we walked through the hallways of Riverdale High.

I chuckled holding my books against my chest tighter, "Come on. It's Sweet Pea, he is just a friend," I said for what felt like the millionth time.

"I see the way you both look at each other, with love sick eyes," he stated as we turned into the student lounge and sat down. He sat in an arm chair, while I sat on a couch looking around for the tall raven-haired boy we were talking about.

"See! You're even looking for him like a lost puppy," groaned Kevin slouching into the chair.

I just laughed as I looked at him.

"I wish had that type of puppy love," he sighed.

I raised a brow at him, "What about Fangs?" I snirker noticing a spark of panic rose in his eyes the moment I said his name.

"Fangs and I are complicated, okay? We just need the right time," he said, sounding more like he was trying to convince himself.

I sighed, "Why can't we just take off all our clothes, and see what happens. Screw the right time," I grumbled.

All of a sudden a pair or arms wrapped themselves around me, "That sounds like a good idea," whispered Sweet Pea.

I laughed, "Wouldn't you like that hunh?"

"I would actually, and so would you," he replied smirking.

Fangs came and joined us sitting at the end of the sofa next to Kevin.

"Hey Fangs," I smiled at him.

"Hey gorgeous," he smiled back, before looking at Kevin. "Hey Keller," he smirked.

I just giggled at Kevin as he smiled without saying anything, before turning around to Sweet pea who was still leaning over the couch.

"Well my parents said yes," I told him, regarding yesterday's offer.

"Of course they did, they love me and know I wouldn't let anything happen to you," he smirked. "Besides what's the point of going to the party if you're not," he then sighed.

I chuckled, "Sometimes I think you don't hear the things you say," I then kissed his cheek and got up. "I gotta go to ladies room, but I'll be back," I smiled and left.

Sweet Pea's POV

I sighed as she walked away, watching her leave the room.

I went and sat on the couch, waiting patiently for her return.

"Awe, look at him his like a little puppy, waiting for her," teased Fangs.

I look up and see him and Kevin smiling cheekily at me.

I just rolled my eyes, not wanting to ruin my already good mood.

Then Kevin piped up, "You know this is probably the first time I have ever seen him be so quiet and patient,"

I was about to bark at them to stop when Y/n came and sat on my lap.

"What did I miss?" she asked playing with the front strands of my hair.

"Kevin and Fangs are teasing me," I said quickly as I buried my head into her.

But not missing what Fangs had said.

He's right. I am waiting for her.

And I'll keep waiting for her to notice how much I love her.

Until then, I'm more than happy to be her lost puppy.

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