03 | Old New Girl

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(A/N: This is the outfit you wore)


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After three years away from Riverdale  I am returning back. One thing I am looking forward to is going back to Riverdale High and seeing all my friends : Archie, Betty, Jughead, Cheryl and my bestest friend ever, Reggie.

Today is my first day back at school and I am a little nervous, I mean I look completely different from when I left which was when I was 14. I am now 17 and definitely don't look like a small girl anymore. My parents didn't come back with me, because they are running a successful company and needed to stay in New York. That was also one of the reasons I came back to Riverdale, to have a normal and relaxed high school life, because when your the heiress to a multi-million dollar company being followed by paparazzi is one of the norms.

Despite being rich, I don't like to flaunt it. Everything from the way I dress to what I drive is simple or not extravagant.

Today I decided I'd dress in something simple and drive an old mustang to school.

I arrived in school and headed straight to the reception for my papers. After receiving my schedule and locker number I headed straight to my locker. I had arrived to my locker and was emptying my bag when I heard a familiar voice behind my opened locker door. I looked past it and saw a tall, well built Reggie Mantle with his wavy locks. I decided to see if he recognised me by tapping his shoulder and getting his attention.

At first he glanced at me and smiled, "Well hello, you must be new," he said smirking.

Rolling my eyes I responded, "Put that smirk away Reginald...... Now don't break my heart and tell me you've completely forgotten about me," I said giving him a sly look.

At first he was confused until his eyes widened and he whispered, "Y/n?"

"Um yeah!" I exclaimed.

"Oh my god!" he shouted picking me up and hugging me. We both laughed as he put me down with my arms around his neck.

"Well look at you, finally the ladies man unh?" I said smiling at him.

"And what about you, you've grown up," he stated his eyes roaming over my body.

I rolled my eyes, and shook my head at him. "Let me see your schedule," he said grabbing it. While he was studying it I noticed people were looking our way and a lot of the students were wearing Riverdale High shirts and uniform. A group of three stood out, one was a tall raven haired boy wearing a turtle neck, a pink haired girl and a latino boy. They were all talking and glancing my way, I was about to ask Reggie who they were when he swung his arm around your shoulders. "Well babes, looks like we have all our classes together," he said smiling at you. I smiled back, "Perfect that means we get to catch up," I spoke as Reggie proceeded to our first class with me by his side. But before disappearing from the hallway I quickly turned to cast one last glance at the tall boy wearing the turtle neck.

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