21 | Complicated

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I pushed myself against Sweet Pea as we made out against my locker. My hand went to grip his hair as his hands slid down my waist and squeezed my ass. He pushed me against my locker harder and I let out a a grunt.

I tug his head back breaking the kiss harshly, and smirked when I saw his eyes were still closed.

"I gotta go, Toni is waiting for me," I whispered. I pushed him off and skipped over to were Toni was standing talking with Fangs.

"Hey Toni, Fangs!" I greeted them, "He's all yours," I smiled cheekily at Fangs. Knowing very well he was waiting here for Sweet Pea.

Toni linked her arm wuth mine and we strolled down the hallway of Riverdale High.

"So I see you and Sweet Pea made up," stated Toni as we walked aimlessly around school.

I gave her a side glanced, "What do you mean?" I asked.

"So you're telling me that him being all over you was nothing?" she asked raising a brow.

I sighed, "I mean we made up, but we're not a couple. I mean we never were so..."

She all of sudden came to stop in front of the administration office and turned me to face her.

"So let me get this straight. You and him fought because he made out with some random girl when you both we're not  even dating. Now you forgave him, and are making out with him and god knows what else, but not dating him?" she asked slowly.

"Well we are still friends, besides I know. Sweet Pea's and I relationship is complex," I said and I tried to comprehend what Sweet Pea and I are.

Toni snorted, "No, it's complicated. And it will remain complicated until one of you admit your feelings."


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