27 | Not You

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I walk with my friend Amanda through the halls of Riverdale High with our arms looped.

"I'm telling you he is not gay!" exclaims Amanda.

"Sure, it's not like Colton Haynes doesn't post pictures of him and his boyfriend on his instagram," I laugh sarcastically.

She rolled her eyes at me and we continued to laugh until we ran into a certain tall, raven-haired best friend of mine.

"Hey sweets," smiled Sweet Pea.

"Hey sweets yourself," I laugh and hug him.

We pull away and see Amanda giving us a tight smile and glancing between Sweet Pea and the air.

"Hey Amanda! How you been?" nodded Sweet Pea.

"Hi! You know, hanging around, schoolwork" she said anxiously.

"Um cool," said Sweet Pea with a raised brow. He then turns to me, "See you later gorgeous!"

I smiled and kissed his cheek before he ran off to wherever Toni and Fangs are.

I turned to Amanda and saw her mumbling to herself.

"Okay we need to talk now!" I said grabbing her hands and pulling her to an empty classroom.

"About what?" she acts clueless.

"About how you were completely acting up around Sweet Pea!" I state. "Look I know he's a serpent, and if he makes you uncomfortable then I -" I continued but was cut off by Amanda.

"I LIKE HIM!" she declared.

At first I looked at her with wide eyes... she likes Sweet Pea.... my best friend..... a complete idiot of a best friend.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" I shouted all siked up.
"This is amazing! You guys would be so cute together." I shriek.

"No, we won't!" she stated grimly.

"What do you mean you guys won't? You like him don't you?" I asked.

"Of course I do. Weren't you just listening!"
I was taken back by how harsh she was.

"Then what's wrong?" I ask concerned.

"He's in love with someone else," she whispered.

"I bet you're better than her," I said trying to be encouraging.

"Yeah right. She's smart, funny, talented, completely gorgeous, not too mention she has known him for a very long time," she listed.

"So?? You're beautiful. You're smart. You're funny. What does it matter that they've known each other for long? What's the problem with just confessing to him?" I ask.

"I'm not you! That's the problem! I'm just not you!" she said and stormed out.


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