The Morning After The Night Before.

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Karlie's POV.
The noise of London waking up, and returning to its busy self woke me from my nightmare. Not wanting to worry Taylor about them, I kept them to myself when I could. Taylor's arm tightly wrapped around me, in fact all her body was tangled around me, she had passed out on top of me before I could get her out of her clothes. A smile grew on my face, Taylor's hair was sticking to her very pale face, a strand of her short blonde hair stuck on her lips. A small chuckle escaped my mouth, as I pulled it off her dried up lips, a strong stench of alcohol was still upon her breath, kicking the dreaded morning sickness in. I only had myself to blame for getting her drunk. "Taylor." I nudged her arm but got no response, I moved as close as I could to her ear, turning up my nose to hold back anymore nausea. "Tay, I swear I will throw up on you if you don't wake up."

Taylor bolted up at the side of me, her tired eyes growing wider and bluer by the second, jumping on to her feet instantly. "I love you and everything, but never say that again." her voice hoarse from the alcohol and dehydration. I jumped off the bed almost as quick as Taylor did, kissing her cheek when another bout of nausea kicked in. I ran to the bathroom, not bothering to close the door.

A hand started rubbing my back another holding my hair back, I stopped for a second to look at Taylor. She looked almost as sick as I felt, her eyes had returned to the dull colour they were last night, her face a clammy grey. "Go away, your hungover. The last thing we need is you throwing up because of my morning sickness. We've gotta busy day today." Taylor opened her mouth to say something, but when she saw the seriousness in my eyes she stood up and smiled. Putting my hair in a hair tie before leaving the room to sober up, even when she was completely hungover she still poured every ounce of energy left in her body to help me.

All my over thinking and worrying a few weeks ago when I entered this relationship had completely been forgotten, Taylor actually loved me, and I know she would never lay a hand on me. Not like Josh did. What if I had never left Josh, would he abuse the baby when he was here. He didn't mind hitting a women, who said he wouldn't mind hitting a defenceless child. I shuddered at the thought, and stood up off my crouching position on the bathroom floor. Taylor appeared at the door way with two mugs in her hand, smiling at me as I brushed my teeth. "Tea m'lady?" Taylor was putting on a fake British accent, it was so bad that I laughed and spat toothpaste out on the bathroom mirror.

After I had finished cleaning the mess I had made I walked over to the bed, where Taylor was laying looking at the ceiling. Her hand rubbing her earlobe, which gave away the fact that she was over thinking, she always rubs her ears when she's over thinking. "What's my beautiful fiancée thinking about?" I whispered startling her. Her ocean eyes fluttered at me, catching in the natural lighting. "Oh, E-eh oh nothing important.. Are you sorting out the announcement today?" she muttered quickly changing the subject like she didn't think I would notice. I decided to play dumb and go along with it, I knew who she was thinking about Ed. He had been distant with her all night, I had noticed him storming away from Taylor moments before we left. "Yeah, I am phoning my agent later sort out a few details. So it's your birthday in a few days, are you inviting Ed or?" subtly dropping the subject of Ed into play.

"No." her voice so cold and blunt I had never seen Taylor like this before not in all the time I had known her. "What happened with you two I thought he was one of your best friends?"

Taylor's POV.
Karlie wouldn't quit asking about what had gone off with Ed last night. I would've told her, I mean I wouldn't intentionally hide anything from her but I wasn't sure myself what had happened. He had been so bitter with me all night and when he took one look at the ring on my finger he legged it not even looking at me. "Earth to Taylor!" Karlie snapped me out of my thoughts. She gave me a questioning look, after a moment of silence she pulled me into her lap. "Taylor, baby I know something happened. We don't keep secrets no more you know that." I sighed leaning back into the taller girls body, feeling her small bump against my back. A few small kicks vibrated against my spine, which Karlie abruptly apologised for. "Shush. I like feeling him kicking, it makes me feel calm."

We sat in silence for a while before I spoke up again I lifted my head off Karlie's shoulder and looked into her gorgeous eyes. "He hates me Karlie, he was mad I didn't tell him about us and then, then he left when he saw my engagement ring. Like he was horrified with me." my words tore out of my throat, causing harsh tears to fall down my face. I closed my eyes, and felt a warm thumb on my cheek brushing away droplets of tears. A kiss planted on my forehead, forced me to open up my eyes, Karlie smiled weakly at me. "He doesn't hate you, he dislikes me." she slowly pulled away from me. Tracing her fingers across my faded scars before leaving the bed. "You should phone him, I'm going to get changed and phone my agent." With that Karlie exited the room and made her way to the bathroom. Tightly locking the door behind her. I plucked up the courage and dialled Ed; hoping to figure out why he was being distant with me.

A/N - This is just a filler/cliffhanger chapter... there's a lot of stuff coming up in the next chapter.

Stay.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ