Broken Promises.

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A/N - I want to start off by saying, thank you all for all the votes I got on Relapse. I honestly never thought that chapter would get that many votes. 💙

Karlie's POV.
I woke up in a dark dull room, faint beeps and running noises were all I could hear from the distance. Something strange was on my face, over my mouth attached by a piece of elastic around each ear. A breathing mask? What happened, where's Taylor?

Suddenly everything came flooding back to me, Josh being in the apartment, the attack, the drowning in the ice cold water. His strong hands pinning me down, until something or someone knocked him away. I think it was Taylor but that was the last thing I remembered. I need to see her urgently, I tried moving but tubes and drips in my arms were preventing me from moving. A nurse came through the double doors at the end of the room, she looked at me and smiled a toothy smile at me. "Hello Miss Kloss, it's good to see you're finally awake." she said in her very strong London accent making it very difficult for me to understand what she was saying.

She came over to the hospital bed I was lying on and removed the mask from around my face, explaining I was on a ventilator but I had to be off it a few hours a day. I nodded not really understanding I just needed to know if Taylor was okay, I needed to know if she was hurt. It was as though the nurse read my mind because she started speaking about Taylor. "You're a very lucky girl to have a girlfriend like yours, she saved your life if she was two minutes later you and your baby would be dead. Don't worry though, she is fine." I sighed a thankful sigh, thank goodness she was okay, and the baby I almost forgot about the poor baby. I prayed a silent prayer thanking God for sending Taylor into my life and slowly drifted back to sleep.

I got woken up by two voices from the corridor, they sounded familiar. Just then Ellie walked in my hospital room carrying three Starbucks cups in her hands waiting for I assumed Taylor to follow her lead. She smiled at me and placed the cups down on the bed side table and came over and gave me a hug. "Please get better soon Karlie, Taylor needs you" she whispered into my ear quickly before pulling away and sitting down on one of the chairs in the room. That was an odd statement, I don't understand what she meant by that. I would have to ask her later when we are alone.

Taylor eventually came into the room several minutes later, her blue eyes looked drained and tired and her skin looked pale. Her eyes connected with mine and a huge smile appeared on her face, she ran over to me and kissed me on the forehead. Her sweet aroma took over all my senses, I finally felt safe. "I missed you." I managed to croak out a whisper. I didn't realise I was crying until Taylor rubbed a small circle with her thumb under each eye, catching each tear.

Taylor finally sat down and handed me a drink, and started conversing with Ellie about Ellie's new album, that she was currently working on. I was just staring at them both, not really knowing what to say. The music business baffles me and the only thing I know about it is I love the finished product. Taylor was playing with the sleeves on her sweatshirt pulling and scratching at them. I finally caught a glimpse of why.

A wide fresh cut on her wrist, it looked like it was opening back up under her sleeves. Did she do this because I was in hospital or did she just break her promise because she could. Ellie turned her head to me and saw what I was looking at and excused herself from the room. When she had gone Taylor turned towards me and gave me a questioning look. "What are you staring at me like that for, its freaking me out."

I looked at my hands and messed about with the drip for awhile. Until I decided she had waited long enough. "Tay, before you say anything or come out with an excuse. Why did you break your promise to me? I thought you loved me." Uncontrollable sobs were escaping my mouth. Taylor came and sat on my bed playing with my fingers, not looking at my face. I could hear her small sighs and her heavy breathing. Her hair was in a small pony tail up as fair as she could put it up. After I cleared my throat Taylor looked up at me. "I was scared I was going to lose you. I do love you, I never intended to ever break a promise to you I'm sorry. Ellie's already lectured me in the car about this, she walked in on me just before I was going to clean my cut." she whimpered. Ellie walked back in before I could reply to her, shooting me an apologetic look. "Guys I am really sorry but the police are here, they want to speak to Karlie. It's about Josh."

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