Completed Family.

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A/N: Again this is all Karlie's POV.

The small bundle had been ripped away from my sights and rushed to NICU. After a long painful six hours of labour without knowing how Taylor was or if she was even at the same hospital at me, Ethan was born. He's so tiny and fragile, I caught a glimpse of his head full of dirty blonde hair before the nurses rushed him away.

"Will he be alright? Has anyone found out where my fiancée is?" I asked the nurse who was the only one left in the room. "Your son is going to be fine, he needs special care until he can breath and feed properly, you can see him shortly once doctors examine him. I don't know about your fiancée, I can take you to reception to find out if you like?"

The nurse helped me into the wheel chair and pushed me out of the maternity ward, towards a the reception desk. Flashing lights came flooding through the glass hospital doors. Paparazzi was outside the hospital, asking members of staff who were coming in various questions; until they saw me in the lobby. Screams blared through the glass partitions, "Karlie is Taylor here?" "Is it true you've lost your baby?"

The nurse pushing me squeezed my shoulder and started speaking to the receptionist. Which didn't help me with the constant screams from the paparazzi. "Karlie? Sorry about those ignore them, Taylor's here do you want me to take to her." the nurse whispered to me to make sure the other staff couldn't hear. Assuming Taylor being here was strictly confidential.

"Here we are, I will leave you two be. You can see your son in twenty minutes so I will come back then." The nurse left me in the room alone with Taylor who looked like she was sleeping. Wheeling myself towards her I placed my hand on her cold hand. "Why aren't you with Ethan?" a small croak came from the small girl in front of me. "Hey, you scared me. I told you to slow down Taylor. I thought you was dead." tears began streaming down my face unable to stop. Taylor smiled at me before shifting up the bed moaning in pain. "I promise you I am alright, I just have cuts and bruises, and a broken rib. You should be with Ethan not me, can I come see him with you when the nurse comes back?"

Wiping the tears away from my eyes, I nodded remembering the tiny fragile little boy who was somewhere in this hospital.

Twenty minutes passed rather quickly, the nurse came back down and brought a student nurse with her to take me and Taylor to see Ethan. Entering the cold dark side room, there was a tiny incubator in the middle of the room. I quickly looked away not wanting to go over until, Taylor gripped my hand and forced me too. Little tubes were covered all over his tiny little body, his hands and feet were almost as small as Taylor's engagement ring. His little eyes flicked open, showing me his pearly greens hazel eyes as if he knew I had entered the room. "Hello Ethan, I'm your Mommy."

After a while of holding his little fists and stroking his sandy hair, the doctor walked over to me and Taylor. "Miss Kloss, we have some good news on your sons progress. He's able to breath on his own, you'll be able to see if he can keep any milk down tomorrow, if he can he'll be home in a week."

Taylor smiled at me, before taking my hand and kissing it. "I guess he really does take after the meaning of his name Kar."

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