Truth's Out.

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"You heard me loud and clear Tay-Tay, you're getting married. Here your dress, I'm going to leave you and Ellie to it. I have to go meet my soon to be nephew." Austin handed me the bag with my dress in, before smiling and closing the door behind him. I shuffled myself up the bed, staring at the door. I can't get married, not right now anyway. "El.. I can't do this. Stall for me please?" Ellie smiled at me before sitting on the bed, grabbing my hand tightly. "You're nervous, come on you have a stunning girl, who loves you. She's stayed with you throughout everything, she's the one you're meant to marry and you know it."

I did know it, I loved Karlie more than I have ever loved anyone. More than I loved any of my ex's come to think of it, that wasn't love, it didn't give me the goosebumps I get when waking up to Karlie. "I'm being such an idiot right now aren't I? I mean she planned every detail of this while her baby is in intensive care. Karlie really loves me doesn't she?" I asked Ellie more for reassurance than anything, she nodded and picked up the dress and unzipped the bag. Inside was a vintage style white summer dress, with sleeves and with a short neckline, it was stunning and exactly what I would have picked. When I was younger I used to constantly daydream about a fairy tale wedding, with a Princess inspired white wedding gown, with a long train and a perfect veil. Having my wedding in a castle with Prince Charming waiting for me at the end of the aisle. But fairy tales aren't real, and I stopped believing in them not long before I met Karlie. The dress she had picked for me was perfect for me and I loved it.

I started getting dressed, aware that Ellie was still in the room but not minding one bit, we've changed in front of each other plenty of times and no doubt we'll be doing it again in the summer when she joins me for one of my 1989 tour dates in London. Ellie had been staring at what I thought was the bruise where my ribs had broke, "What is that Taylor?" I was wrong, she had been staring at the deep cut across the underline of my breast. I usually kept that hidden with my bra, but I guess this is a shorter bra than what I usually wear.

I didn't say a word and just stared at my feet, whilst putting the dress on. She grabbed my arm and turned me to face her, looking deep into my eyes with her chocolate brown ones. "You're still self harming aren't you?"


A/N: The song above/to the side is Knives and Pens by Black Veil Brides. It sort of inspired this chapter, the song helped me when I was going through my depression, mh issues and self harming; so I thought I would share the song with you. This as absolutely nothing to do with the story but if anyone ever needs to talk about any of those types of issues, I'm here. Sorry it's a short chapter.

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