Without You.

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-Make a promise, please, you'll always be in reach. Just in case I need you there when I call.-

Karlie's POV
How could she have been so selfish, hiding her self harm is one thing I could understand that because of her career and her fans, she would never want them to know or think it's right to do. I mean it's not only teenagers and adults who are in her fan base but young children so I know why she didn't tell anyone; but hiding the fact she was suicidal is a completely different thing all together. Which reminds me I have to apologise to Ellie, I slapped her for hiding this from me even though she was just being a good friend. If it wasn't for her, Taylor wouldn't be alive, she went back to the apartment and found Taylor and got her here. Even if Taylor is now hooked up to machines. I thought she loved her life and what she does, where did all that go wrong. Was it my fault? How am I going to cope if she dies, I can barely look after myself without her let alone my own son.

"Did you hear what I said Karlie?" Austin's voice brought me around from my thoughts, his face drained of all colour, he was paler than the white sheets my wife was laid in. "Sorry Aus I was over thinking, what did you say?"
A weak smile appeared across his face, before he looked to his vulnerable sister, laid in a hospital bed, yet again. Her wrists covered in huge bandages. Hiding all the ugly cuts, black stitches had been sown in her skin because they cuts were that deep. Her blonde locks stuck to her forehead and face, it reminded me of when we were in London when I got her drunk and I watched her sleep looking like that. Except this time, she wasn't asleep, she was sedated not properly asleep. "You should get some sleep, Ethan is home tomorrow and he needs his mom. I will stay by her side and let you know if there's any change. Also my parents are on their way, and I'm sure you don't want to see my mom." I pondered upon my previous thought about not being able to look after Ethan on my own, before I had even heard what words my mouth had just spoken. "He doesn't need me, the staff here take better care of him than I do." A gasp escaped someone's mouth, it wasn't a gasp from anyone I could put my finger on until I looked up from the figure in the bed.

Andrea and Scott had arrived they were stood in the doorway, Andrea staring at me like I had just said something worse than admitting I was struggling as a parent. "I don't want that vile women in my daughters room. Scott go inform the nurses that she isn't allowed in here and get Taylor's bodyguards to stand guard." Every word she had spoken, felt like daggers piercing into my heart. Scott looked at his wife in shock, he proceeded onto looking at his daughter, looking so small and weak upon that hospital bed. It was silent, everyone was staring at me, Austin gave a concerned look to his father, who gave him the same one back, like he was encouraging him to do something. "Whether you like it or not mom, Karlie is Taylor's wife. She actually now has more rights than you do, dad and I love Karlie because she's a great girl and because Tay loves her too! So if you hate her that much you leave. Karlie is staying." For the first time that morning I had smiled, a small one but a smile nonetheless, it hit me that I did I have support other than Taylor. I had a brother in law and a father in law who actually cared for me. Austin stood up from the seat he was in, giving his mother a stern look before finishing his rant. "Do what's best for your daughter. Now if you excuse me I'm going to get Karlie and Taylor's son."

This caused Andrea to scream in frustration, I didn't know Taylor hadn't told her mom she was going to be adopting my son. I thought they both knew, and by the look on Austin's face before he left the room he thought she knew too. Andrea launched at me, her hands beating at my shoulders. "YOU BITCH. YOU LITTLE COW! You used my DAUGHTER FOR A PARENT FOR YOUR BASTARD CHILD DIDN'T YOU?" A fist flew at my face, causing me to lose my balance on the hard plastic chair I was sitting on. Now on the floor I scurried to the corner of the room to the alert buzzer, scared of another attack. "I love Taylor, Mrs Swift. What more do I have to do to prove that to you?" I screamed at her before hitting the big button. Seconds later a group of security guards and nurses ran in grabbing Andrea of the top of me. Andrea kicking and screaming trying to escape their grips as she was escorted from the building. "I want you to divorce her!" Was the last thing I heard from my mother in law from hell.

Austin returned with Ethan in his incubator, I could tell he was wondering why I was covered in red marks but I didn't want to explain. "I'm going to get some sleep will you be okay?" I nodded, I just wanted alone time with Taylor. We should be happy right now, getting ready to pick our child up, and getting ready to go on our honeymoon. Taylor shouldn't be here, she should be just getting up to the sound of her alarm, groaning her weird little morning groan. Smiling and dorking around with the cats before jumping on me to get ready so we could go get Ethan because she loves him so much. We should be dancing around in the car, screaming the songs that get played on the radio, this shouldn't be happening. "Taylor, I need you baby. What am I going to do without you?-" Ethan's cries from his peaceful sleep interrupted me, I picked up the small boy and cuddled him feeding him as I went on with my conversation. "What would Ethan do without you, it's you who sings him lullabies and it's you who'll give him advice about dating and advice on bullies when he's older. You're my strength and without you I'm an empty shell. Taylor if you can hear me please wake up, I can't lose my wife when we've only just got married." Tears stopped me from going on further, I hoped my speech would wake her from her sedated state, but Taylor laid as still as she was when I first came into this grey dark room.

I was awoken by a nurse who woke me when taking Ethan out of my arms, she gave me a smile before explaining she needs to do his discharge examination to see if he's ready to come home. I just nodded my head before coming full around, my vision was blurred from the now strong lighting. "Hey there sleepy head. I'm so sorry for everything I did, I would never leave you without me." The sweet voice I recognised so well startled me.

My vision returned back to normal, I looked to the source of the voice. Taylor was sat up awake, smiling at me, her blue eyes never left me, Taylor looked so rough but so beautiful at the same. I never thought I would see those crystal blue eyes again and that overwhelmed me. "Please tell me I'm not dreaming. I thought you'd never wake."

A/N - I was just trying to show you the emotions more in this chapter so I apologise if it's kind of boring.

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