London, Boats and Polaroids

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The plane landed, Taylor looked at Karlie like an excited little kid. "Are you ready to go exploring? We should go now after we've booked into our hotel." Karlie didn't want to mention how jet lagged she was, and how tired she was from the 7 hour journey. Karlie looked into Taylor's beautiful blue eyes, and smiled. "Okay but no more surprises." she warned Taylor jokingly. Taylor stepped out of the plane with her luggage, thinking how glad she was she didn't have all her security or her Mom with her for once. She smiled at the freedom, this week was going to be the best. Taylor left her bags on the ground and quickly went to help Karlie with her bags. They made their way to the hotel, Taylor had a sneaky feeling they were photographed by paparazzi has they entered the hotel but she didn't mind she was being photographed with her best friend in the media's eyes.

Taylor and Karlie had been in there room for almost a hour and only just got around to unpacking, after they tore themselves apart from making out. Karlie made a note of everything Taylor was taking out of her bag to see if she could get any clues of the things Taylor had planned, she spotted the Polaroid camera they took with them the very first time they took a trip together. Taylor looked up at Karlie and smiled, "we are going to make some new memories this week, and I'm going to make you feel happier than you have ever felt in your life."

"Where to first then?" Karlie screamed in excitement. Taylor had hired a car and was trying to get used to driving on the wrong side of the road. It took up all of her concentration until she had realise what Karlie had just screamed. "Oh that baby, is a surprise." Taylor replied while narrowly missing a little blue mini that was in the next lane.

Karlie's heart skipped a beat. Taylor had just called her baby, and she loved it. Josh had called it her in the past but it used to annoy her so much and she had grew to hate the word, but coming from Taylor she could tell it was filled with love. "We're here." Taylor announced pulling Karlie out of the wonderful daydream she was having. Karlie stepped out of the car and saw where they were. They were in a car park by the river. "Taylor this gives me no clue were we are going." Sadness crept into Karlie's voice. Taylor pulled the model close to her and pointed to the little tour boat along the river. "I hired us one, but just for me and you. We are going on a river tour of London today" Karlie desperately wanted to kiss Taylor because that had always been on her to do list for London ever since she was a little girl. Karlie hugged Taylor and whispered a thank you to her.

A/N the next chapter will be the river tour and from completely Taylor's point of view. It's building up to something good that's why I am leaving you on cliffhangers.

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