Reopening old wounds.

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"Where the hell are you?" the rough voice slurs. Karlie sighs feeling frightened. "Josh, I'm sorry but we are over. I don't love you anymore and you don't love me. If you did you wouldn't have broke my heart the way you did." Karlie waited hearing the heavy breathing down the other end of the phone she knew he was mad at her. Mad enough to find her and hurt her like he did every time she had made a mistake. "I'm going to find you and show you what you get for trying to leave me. That'll bring you back." With that Josh hung up the phone.

Karlie sat scared and shaking. Flashbacks of her past sped through her head as though they were being repeated.

It was date night and Karlie was cooking dinner for herself and Josh, she knew everything had to be perfect or he would get drunk and hurt her again. They sat down together barely talking just glancing from their meals every now and again. "So I'm flying out to London with the other VS girls in a few weeks to do the Fashion Show. Will you be alright alone? Do you need meals making to reheat?" Karlie asked genuinely worried about the man she once loved. Josh stood up grabbed his plate and threw it down to the floor. It smashed into several pieces. Karlie knew what was coming she gulped and hid her face, not wanting to show that she was scared. "Who said you were going there this year! Did I give you permission? I am sick of everyone getting to see you parade around in underwear! I want you to stop modelling now" his tone was strict. Karlie knew she would get hurt but she stood up for herself. "I am not giving up my career because you're jealous! I love what I do if you don't like it leave." Karlie instantly regretted that because Josh grabbed her by her now long locks and shoved her into the kitchen table. Karlie closed her eyes and counted the slaps and punches she had endured. Thinking that she deserved them.

"Karlie? Are you okay? What happened" Taylor asked. Taylor had run into the room after hearing Karlie scream she came into the room to see Karlie in the middle of a panic attack.

Taylor sat beside Karlie and slowly calmed her down. She touched her ribs and Karlie flinched, she knew Taylor didn't mean to hurt her just Josh had hit her the day before she had left him. She had huge black bruises on her ribs praying they would fade before she had another show to do, praying they would fade before Taylor saw them. "Karlie? You keep flinching, you had a panic attack. What's wrong, is this to do with Josh." Taylor noticed a slight nod from the timid model. She instantly knew what was wrong, she thought back to the time on the road trip they took, when Karlie took Taylor's sweatshirt off and accidentally pulled her tee up with it. The massive bruise she had on her stomach and when she saw Taylor looking at it her eyes glazed over and she laughed. Saying how she was clumsy and that she had hit herself accidentally with the weights at the gym. Taylor brushed it off as she knew Karlie was quite clumsy sometimes but then another incident happened in October she came to Taylor's with a black eye. Saying she had walked into the car door. Only now Taylor was putting two and two together, she could feel anger bubbling up inside her.
"Karlie" Taylor pauses to make sure her girlfriend was listening to her. "Yes?" Karlie replied seeing Taylor's blue eyes turn from the innocent ones she loved to anger filled eyes. "The truth, did Josh abuse you. The stomach, the black eye, he phoned you and you are all jittery. Did he hurt you?" she spat her words out like they were poison. She had always disliked Josh, thinking that he never treated Karlie right, how she deserved better. Now Taylor could see she was right without an answer from Karlie. "Yes." The voice was almost a squeak.

Karlie looked at Taylor who stood up with clenched fists. Karlie had never seen Taylor angry and now that she was she didn't like it. Taylor had grabbed her jacket and keys. "Stay here please, don't let anyone in. Don't even answer the door. Olivia and Meredith are asleep in the bedroom they'll come out if they want attention." With that Karlie saw a mad Taylor slam the door and walk away. She knew Taylor was going to find Josh but fear had kicked in she knew Josh well, he would hurt Taylor then hurt her. She laid down sobbing, not knowing what to do.

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