Find myself at your door.

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Karlie's POV.

Karlie awoke in a cold sweat, she had the worse nightmare. She turned to the alarm clock. 4:33am it read, she looked at her side. Josh wasn't there, this had been happening a lot over the past year. He was out, more likely sleeping with some slut he had picked up in a bar, laid in a hotel bed drunk. Karlie sighed, she wasn't in love with Josh anymore, she knew that but she couldn't just leave he was controlling of her. She had secrets too, even Taylor didn't know of the abuse Josh gave her. If there was just some way of leaving without him realising.

Her thoughts turned to her best friend, how she was about to tell her something the last time they were together, how she ran out of the room with tears in her big blue innocent eyes. Those eyes did things to Karlie that she couldn't explain. The way she had burst through the bathroom door to see Taylor with what looked like a blade in her hand and crimson blood dripping and running down her wrist. She looked at the fragile girl who was sat on the floor. She stared mouth open in shock for a few seconds at the blood and at the shock that Taylor would do something like this.

"Tay! What are you doing you silly girl." I yelled as I grabbed tissue and held it on her bleeding wound. "Why are you cutting yourself, what if your fans see? Would you want them to copy you?" Then Taylor's eyes turned frosty, "WHAT THE HELL KARLIE, I WOULD NEVER LET THEM SEE. I DIDN'T EVEN WANT YOU TO SEE OR FIND OUT." Karlie shuddered remembering the tone Taylor spoke to her in, it was almost venomous like. She had slowly backed away to the door to leave when Taylor called out, "I did this, this time because I can't cope with my feelings for you. Such wrong feelings but I'm in love with you."

With that Karlie grabbed her leather jacket and her car keys and slammed the door as she left. Karlie had drove home with tears in her eyes.

Now Karlie regretted leaving Taylor, it'd been almost two weeks. She had so many missed calls off Taylor but Karlie didn't want to tell her best friend that she felt the same. She didn't want to get attached incase Taylor left her, she didn't want to deal with that pain. Karlie made a choice. She was going to break up with Josh, she got out her suitcases and slowly packed her bags. She picked up the framed photo of her and Taylor from the time they went on their road trip. It was so much fun, she loved the way Taylor looked at her like she was her world. I would be happy with Taylor, Karlie had thought to herself as she finished packing her bags. Then she left a note for Josh telling him it was over.

Karlie hopped into her car after carefully placing her luggage in her car. It was nearly dawn, she knew Josh would be back soon, if he caught her she would be in for it she knew this so she sped out of her drive knowing exactly where to drive too. A while later she pulled up outside Taylor's apartment, she had a feeling Taylor would be asleep. Karlie pulled out her iPhone and scrolled through her contacts, TayBae😻😘 was Taylor's contact name, she pressed dial. The phone rang out, she heard her friends beautiful morning sleep voice. "Karlie do you know what time it is? What do you want?" Karlie sighed and apologised.

"I broke up with Josh, I'm outside of your apartment."

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