Her Hell

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A/N - This is a flashback of Karlie's relationship with Josh. It will be in two points of view. The part of Josh and Karlie. I haven't done this with the Josh's POV, if you enjoy it like this please give me feed back so I can maybe use it again in another chapter. This is going to explain how Karlie got the bruises on her ribs if you remember from one of the previous chapters. Please don't read if you don't like viloence etc.

Karlie's POV
Hell. That's what its going to be like when I get in, Josh isn't going to understand that my phootshoot over run. I reach into my pockets to get my key, stumbling in the heels I had forgot to take off in the car when I finally got the key in the door it opened. Josh looked at me he gave me an evil glare and pulled me inside by my arm, I could feel the bruise developing where his hand gripped my skin. I pull my arm away and elbow him when he grabs my face. "Will you stop struggling, you'll only get it worse if you struggle you know this." he spat at me, his breath stunk of various alcoholic beverages. The smell is turning my stomach.

Josh's POV
Karlie still isn't back. Photo shoot my ass, she's sneaking around again. Probably at Taylor's or Cara's or one of the other slutty friends of hers. I down another beer and throw the bottle at the wall, the smash gives me an adrenaline rush. I go over to pick the broken glass up when the bright headlights shone threw the kitchen window, Karlie's car had pulled in the driveway. I wait until I hear the key being placed in the door and open it. Karlie looks at me, she's cowering away I hate it when she does that. I only hurt her when she lies to me, I love her she seems to forget this. I grab her arm and pull her inside when she elbowed me. Oh, oh, oh dear girl is that how it's going to be tonight? I grabbed her face and warned her about struggling. When we're both far enough in the house not to be seen by any nosey neighbours I throw her against the wall, just like I did with the disgarded beer bottle. "Where have you fucking been! And don't lie and say you have been at some made up photo shoot because that is bull." I punch her in her face before she has a chance to reply. Who gives a shit if it bruises, she's so dumb and clumsy someone will assume she's whacked herself.

Karlie's POV
Josh's fist flew into my face before I had chance to deny his paranoid thoughts, I rubbed my face quickly feeling the tears swell in my eyes. "I was at my phoot shoot I swear, I can show you the proof copies of the photos Josh. You have to trust me!" a laugh escaped his mouth and he kicked me onto the floor. I closed my eyes and curled myself up into a small ball, ready to endure the pain that I knew I am bound to recieve tonight. I heard the belt pull sharply through Josh's belt. Somehow it seemed like my hearing got better whenever I was in this postion. A sharp pain fell through my body like an electric current. His leather belt burning on my back repetitively, before he kicked me in my ribs. I cried out, I knew this was a bad move.

Josh's POV
Karlie cried out, stupid bitch. I yanked her up and pinned her to the wall one arm placed on her throat. "You should not have made a sound. Did I give you permission to cry out or speak?" No reply off of Karlie. I dropped her onto the floor and booted her in her ribs for one last punishment and left her crying in a heap on the floor. Serves her right.

Karlie's POV
When I was sure Josh was asleep in bed I got up from my safe spot behind the couch, and grabbed my handbag and car keys. I crept slowly out of the door making sure that it didn't creak. I got out my phone and called the one person I knew wouldn't question why I needed a place to crash for a couple of days.

A/N -Sorry it's short again but I wanted to explain how Karlie came around to be stopping at Taylor's when she found out about Taylor's self harm and I also wanted to give you an insight of why she flinched when Taylor accidentally touched her ribs. Hope this made some connections. Next chapter will take you back to the story. Hope you liked.

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