Fellowship Divided

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Rhiannon's POV

"What did Lady Galadriel mean?" Legolas asks me as we row down the river away from Lothlorien. "About the gem turning red?" he states.

"I do not know if you noticed, but I killed very few orcs in the mines. And those I did, it was quick and painless" I tell him.

"Why would that matter? We are at war, we don't have time to show mercy" Gimli states.

"While that is true, I cannot risk killing mercilessly" I tell them. "If I do, I will become dark. I'd become evil" I state.

"Killing the enemy does not make you evil" Legolas tells me.

"You do not understand" I tell him. "Fairies a pure and give life. When we take it, we lose a part of ourselves. If we kill to much we lose our very souls. Their powers become fueled by Evil and Darkness more like a Witch's powers. While the powers of us normal Fairies are fueled by Light" I explain.

"Is that why you looked so pale in the mines?" Gimli asks me.

"Yes, I was dying in those mines without natural light giving me strength" I tell him.

"Is there a way to save you from turning into a dark fairy?" Legolas asks me.

"Only if I stop killing will I not turn. But we are in the middle of a war and I will kill if I have too" I state. "I just pray I find him" I mumble as I finger the bracelet Galadriel had give me. Already red spots had appeared, due to me killing orcs in the mines.

"Who lassie?" Gimli asks me curious.

"There is but one way to save me if I turn" I tell them. "An act of pure love, from my one. My mother saved my father during the last war for the Ring. But I have not found my one" I explain.

"You might" Gimli tells me.

"The chances of that are slim" I tell him sadly. "I just have to be careful" I add. I look ahead no longer wishing to talk.

(A few days later)

We've reached our last resting place before crossing the river at nightfall. We set up camp so that the others can ate. I bath in the sun light praying to the gods to protect us. I slip into a vision and see the seer. "My princess, the fellowship will break apart soon. You must not let your hear turn evil" she tells me.

"How? I have already killed several times and it will only continue to happen until the ring is destroyed" I tell her.

"You must stay strong" she tells me.

"How? You saw two futures, is one where I live with my one?" I ask her.

"Yes, you have already meet him" she tells me and I frown in confusion. "I shall not tell you who he is, you must figure that out on your own. Protect the halfings, remember hope remains as long as the company remain true" she states.

"I have not forgotten" I assure her.

"Atlanta and Percival miss you dearly, as do your parents. I will tell them you are well" she assures me.

"Thank you and tell them I will come home no matter what" I tell her. She bows her head and I return to the present. "Where's Frodo?" I ask confused noticing he is not present. I then notice Boromir missing also.

"Fan out, search the area" Aragorn instructs. I go with Pippin and Merry, to search with them. Aragorn searches alone and as does Sam. While Legolas and Gimli search together. I soon hear the sounds of a fight and make the halflings hide.

"Find the Halflings and Princess!" I hear a gruff voice order. "Find them!" he yells. I draw my sword without a sound preparing to fight.

"Frodo!" Merry whisper yells.

"Hide here! Quick! Come on!" Pippin calls. I look at Frodo and he shakes his head. Pippin and Merry run out into the open before I could stop them.

"Hey you! Over here!" Merry yells catching the Uruk-hais attentions.

"This way!" Pippin shouts and they run off. With the uruk-hai chasing them. I curse and race after them knocking out any uruk-hai in my way. "It's working!" Pippin shouts.

"Yeah it is, now keep running!" I order and they do so. Soon Boromir joins me and we start to fight the uru-hai together. "We won't make it out of this without help" I tell him. He nods his head and pulls out his horn and blows into it. Three loud horn blasts fill the air. "Not exactly what I had in mind" I grumble.

I take to the sky and start to knock out uruk-hais with my dust. While Boromir continues to fight on the ground. Soon more orcs and uruk-hai appear. Boromir kills two more uruk-hai. Merry and Pippin stab some Orcs. Suddenly Boromir jerks back and I notice an arrow in his shoulder. I curse and shrink myself hiding from view by turning invisible.

Soon Merry and Pippin are carried away. I follow leaving a trail only the others would be able to see. Hopefully they'll catch up quickly and we can free the two halflings. I didn't like leaving Boromir behind, but the halflings needed me more then him. Besides I saw him return to battle. Hopefully the others would join him before it was to late.

I start to grow tired of flying and hide in Merry's hood. I stay there. Waiting for the right moment to free the two hobbits, so that we could all escape. But I end up falling asleep while the uruk-hai continue to run with their prisoners.


Picture above of Rhiannon's gift from Galadriel and gif on the external link of the fight.

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