Epilogue: Leaving Middle Earth

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Rhiannon's POV

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Rhiannon's POV

So two days after the coronation. I returned home with my people and Legolas. Atlanta and Percival's wedding was amazing. It was by the water fall. The mermaids sung while the nymphs played the music. Treebeard and some ents were there. They were thrilled to be reunited with the ent wives.

I showed Legolas my forest and the underwater world. Then we went to his realm and he showed me his home. Legolas then proposed to me during the feast of starlight. We got married in Rivendell, the realm that brought us together. Actually we had a double wedding. Aragorn and Arwen got married also.

Not long after we married. Frodo, Gandalf, Elrond, Bilbo, Galadriel and her husband left Middle Earth. Along with some elves, some people from my forest and the blue wizards. Including my parents. Legolas then toured Middle Earth with Gimli while I stayed home ruling my people.

When Legolas returned I introduced him to my nephew Neptune. Son of Percival and Atlanta. We decided to try for a baby also. Especially when Legolas told me Arwen was expecting her and Aragorn's son.

While we tried and waited. We discussed names. We decided to name our first daughter of Tauriel and our first son after Haldir. It took several months, but I finally became pregnant. And it was twins.

A year later I gave birth to a son and daughter. Haldir the Second, who looks just like Legolas and Tauriel the Second. Who looks like me, but has Legolas' eyes. She had her baby wings. Haldir didn't have any. But I didn't love him any less.

I wish my parents could of been there. But Percival and Atlanta were. The loved their niece and nephew. And little Neptune loved his cousins. Though something tells me he'll love little Tauriel more then that.

The remaining members of the Fellowship visited to greet the babies. Legolas and I finally meet little Eldarion. Son of Aragorn and Arwen. Who looks just like his dad.

 Who looks just like his dad

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Over the next few years. Legolas' people and mine helped restore the woodlands that had been war-torn. Before moving to Ithilien. Where we found out I was pregnant again. Aragorn and Arwen had had two daughters. Lilith and Celebrian.

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