Leaving Rivendell

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Rhiannon's POV

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Rhiannon's POV

"I'm sorry I have not visited in many years" Gandalf tells me.

"It is fine, though the seer misses you. She says hi" I tell him. "As do the two blue wizards, they side with you" I add.

"I'm glad" he says. "I am also happy you are coming on this quest, it fills me with hope" he states. We reach the stables and see Lilo. "My, I have not seen one of these in an age" he says stroking her neck.

"She likes you" I tell him smiling. "She will go to Lothlorien and meet us there" I state. "Only true believers can see her horn and my wings" I add.

"I think the hobbits, Legolas and Aragorn saw your wings" he tells me.

"I'm sure the other two will become believers on this quest" I tell him.

"Do you know the outcome? Did the seer tell you anything?" he asks me.

"Not much, there are two certain outcomes. Both depending on if we succeed or not. Either way one of our company will die" I tell him.

"Best keep this between ourselves, so as not to burden the fellowship" he tells me.

"Agreed" I say. "Go Lilo, run like the wind by the safest road. Avoid any and all dangers, we shall meet again" I tell her. She bows her head and leaves.

"I see you got your adult wings" he says looking at them.

"Yes, I out grew the others" I tell him and he chuckles. Just then we hear something be knocked over. "Come out little ones" I say and the four hobbits appear.

"Sorry to intrude" one says. "We wanted to introduce ourselves properly. I am Samwise Gamgee, but please call me Sam" he says.

"Frodo Baggins" Frodo says.

"Pippin" the young one says.

"Merry" the other says.

"At your service" they say bowing.

"Are those real?" Sam asks pointing to my wings.

"Very real" I tell him. "I am a fairy" I state.

"I thought fairies were tiny" Pippin says.

"What like this?" I ask throwing fairy dust into the air above me. I shrink and flutter. "Fairy dust has many magical qualities" I state as I return to normal size. "This is our little secret, ok" I tell them.

"Ok" they say smiling.

"I'll make you all a promise" I tell them smiling. "When we complete this quest, I'll introduce you all to a unicorn" I state.

"They're real?" they asks in awe.

"Very real" I tell them. "Run along now, we all have to prepare for the quest ahead" I state. We go our separate ways.

"My lady" a elleth says and I look at her. "I am Arwen, daughter of Lord Elrond. I have been sent to escort you to your room for the night" she states. I nod my head and fellow her to see my bag already there.

"Thank you" I say.

"There'll be a feast tonight for the fellowship" she tells me.

"I'm afraid I cannot attend, fairies do not eat your food. We survive by the light of the sun, moon and stars outside our realm. We only general eat food for pleasure" I tell her.

"I shall tell them you won't join them then" she states. "Put please rest" she tells me.

"I will" I assure her and she leaves. I lay out my clothes and lock the door. I go to the tub of water and strip. I grab the clothes and rub myself clean. Making sure not to wet my wings to much and us magic to dry myself. Before putting on my night dress and there's a knock at my door. "Yes?" I ask.

"It's Legolas" he says and I put on a robe. I open the door. "I'm sorry, I did not know you were sleeping" he states.

"I was not, I was about to retire for the evening" I tell him. "What is it Lord Legolas?" I ask.

"Please call me Legolas, we are going on a quest together. I think we can forget the formalities" he tells me.

"Good, I hate them" I tell him and he chuckles.

"I notice you not at the feast and brought you this" he says holding a bowl of fruit.

"Thank you" I say accepting it. "I shall you tomorrow morning" I add. "Sleep well son of Thranduil" I say.

"Good night Rhiannon" he says and I shut the door. I pick up the red apple and smile. They are mine and Lilo's favourite. I eat it before going to bed.

(Next day)

I got dressed in my traveling outfit and put my red cloak. My mother knitted it with the wool of a yeti. It'll protect me from most of the cold weather. Unless I am buried in snow. I strap the sword my father made me to my waist. I grab my travel bag and leave the room. I go to the glade where the others are gathered.

"The Ring-bearer is setting out on the Quest of Mount Doom. On you who travel with him no oath nor bond is laid, to go further than you will. Farewell. Hold to your purpose. May the blessings of Elves and Men and all free folk go with you" Elrond tells us. He spreads his arms, and Legolas and Aragorn bow their heads, hands upon hearts. I bow my head.

"The Fellowship awaits the Ring-bearer" Gandalf states. Frodo turns and walks forward, uncertainly. Before him, the path winds away to either side. We follow behind him.

"Mordor, Gandalf, is it left or right?" he asks Gandalf in a whisper.

"Left" Gandalf answers and he leads us down the left path. We depart beneath an old arch of lichen-encrusted stone. I keep my wings close wrapping around myself. The sun's rays pierce the valley and I suck come of the rays in. Feeling my power grow.


Picture above of Gandalf the Grey and on the external link of the map of Gondor. Pictures in chapter of Rhiannon's outfit (imagine the cloak red and the clothes black/red not brown/black).

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