Treebeard and White Gandalf

406 13 4

Rhiannon's POV

We can't see daylight anymore and I sense an orc following us. "Get into that tree" I order them. They went to protest but I gave them a pointed look. I shrink and fly after them. Merry is pulled by his legs and falls to the ground. An orc standing over him.

"Merry!" Pippin shouts and I blind the orc with a blast of light. "Ahh!" he shouts. I see Pippin lose his grip and begin to fall. Who to save? I can't save them both. Luckily the tree he was in catches him before he hits the ground. I realize it's an Ent.

The Ent stomps on the orc killing it. "Run Merry!" Pippin shouts.

"No, don't be afraid!" I shout as I return to full size as the Ent grabs Merry.

"Little orcs! Búrarum" he says.

"Not orcs, Hobbits Mr Ent. I am princess Rhiannon" I say as I bow my head to him.

"A fairy I have not see one of your kin in years" he says.

"I am sorry we have not been in touch. Please let my friends go and I shall explain everything" I assure him. "What is your name?" I ask him as we make our way through the woods.

"Treebeard some call me" he states.

"And whose side are you on?" Pippin asks.

"Side? I am on nobody's side. Because nobody is on my side, little orc" Treebeard growls. "Nobody cares for the woods anymore" he tells me.

"My kind and elves do. Again these two are hobbits, not orcs. I can vouch for them" I tell him.

"Hobbits? Never heard of a Hobbit before. Sounds like orc mischief to me, my lady" he tells me. He strengthens his hold on the hobbits. "They come with fire, they come with axes. Biting, breaking, hacking, burning. Destroyers and usurpers. Curse them!" he growls.

"No! You don't understand. They are hobbits, halflings, Shire Folk" I assure him.

"Maybe they are, maybe they are not. The white wizard will know my lady" Treebeard tells me.

"White wizard?" Pippin asks scared.

"Saruman" Merry says. Treebeard drops them on the ground and the Hobbits look up at a White Wizard. I look at him and gasp. It is Gandalf, except he is no longer a grey wizard. But a white one.

"Gandalf!" we all say shocked.

"Lilo" I say with a smile as my unicorn accepts a pat from the new Gandalf.

"Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took, I might of known" Gandalf says as he eyes the hobbits. "Princess Rhiannon, an honour to see you again" he says.

"The honour is mine Gandalf the White" I say as I touch down and curtsy to him.

"These two claim to be hobbits and the princess vouches for them. What say you white wizard?" Treebeard asks him.

"They are hobbits and mean you & the woods no harm. I ask that you watch over them for the time being. Princess Rhiannon and I are needed else where" Gandalf tells him.

"Why can't we come?" Pippin asks him.

"You both are needed here" Gandalf states. "You will play a key role in the next step of this war. Stick together and listen to Treebeard. We shall be back in a few days if all goes well" he states.

"If we are not back, please return them to the Shire Treebeard" I say gently.

"Of course my lady, have you seen the Ent Wives?" he asks me.

"They are in my realm and eagerly await the end of this war. So that they can return to you all" I assure him. Treebeard nods his head and picks up the hobbits placing them on his shoulders before leaving. "Where to next Gandalf?" I ask him curious.

"We will remain here until the other three arrive, then ride to Edoras" he states. "For now rest and regain your strength. We will need your magic to free the king of Rohan" he tells me. I nod my head and sit on Lilo side saddle. She follows Gandalf as he walks through the forest.

"So what happened? How are you here now?" I ask him curious.

"It is a long story, I shall explain when we reunite with the others" he assures me as we reach a clearing. I hop off of Lilo and go stand in the sun light. Letting my wings soak in the energy. "Have you had any word from your realm?" he asks me.

"Not since the Fellowship left Lothlorien. Last I heard war had not reached them yet. I will try reach them tonight" I tell him. He nods his head. We sit in silence enjoying each others company and the peace & quiet. We soon had dinner before going to bed early. After we put up some defenses to ward off any threat.


Picture above of Treebeard and picture on the external link of Gandalf the White Wizard.

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