Battle of Helm's Deep

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Rhiannon's POV

We reached Helm's Deep safely. When the others arrive Aragorn wasn't with them. But he arrived not long after injured on a horse. I healed him as he told us about an army approaching. 10,000 strong. We prepared for battle and were joined by Haldir and an army from Lothlorien.

"Are you sure you want to be in this battle?" Legolas asks me as we wait on the wall beside Gimli and Aragorn.

"I can't live in fear Legolas" I tell him. "Besides you need everyone who can fight on this wall" I state. Gimli agrees with me. Soon the army appears.

"A Eruchîn, ú-dano i faelas a hyn an uben tanatha le faelas!" Aragorn tells the elves. (Translation: Show them no mercy! For you shall receive none). Aragorn walks forward and looks down at the huge army.

"What's happening out there?" Gimli asks us.

"Shall I describe it to you? Or would you like me to find you a box?" Legolas asks him. I suppress a giggle as Gimli laughs. I prepare energy balls. The Uruks pound their spears and roar. The men and elves in the fortress ready their bows. And old man accidentally shoots an arrow, hitting an orc. Everything goes silent, as the orc falls down, dead.

"Hold" I say in the common tongue while Aragorn says it in elvish. The Uruks roar in anger and charge. As the army below runs forward, the elves prepare to shoot their arrows. "Their armor is weak at the neck and under the arms" I tell the men. Legolas tells the elves the same thing.

The bows are released and the Uruks showered with arrows. Along with energy balls from me. I only throw a half dozen though before drawing my weapons. "Anybody hit anything?" Gimli asks us.

"Give them a volley" Theoden orders. More arrows are shot. Aragorn tells the elves to keep firing.

"Come on! Send them to me!" Gimli complains. Many Uruks fall dead. The Uruks shoot arrows back. A dead elf falls from the wall. The Uruks put up ladders. "Finally" he says holding up his axe. The Uruk-hai climb the ladders.

The battle continues. This time at close quarters. Legolas and Gimli having a competition on who could kill the most. I lose track of time as I kill the orcs and uruk-hai. Until I hear Aragorn shouting. "Togo hon dad, Legolas! Dago hon!" he shouts. (Translation: Legolas, stop him! Kill him). I take to the sky and see the problem. An Uruk soldier carrying a bright torch runs towards a hole.

I make a energy ball and throw it at him. At the same time Legolas fires an arrow at him. We both fail to kill it, letting the Uruk-hai light the explosives. A large part of the wall explodes. I had to do evasive maneuvers to avoid flying rocks. The others weren't so lucky, Aragorn was sent flying. I dived towards him and land beside him.

"Are you ok?" I ask him.

"Yeah" he says with a groan. I help him to his feet. We're joined by elves and Gimli who landed in a pool of water. "Gimli! Prepare to charge!" he shouts.

"Hado i philinn!" I tell the elves. (Translation: Hurl the arrows!). They do so. Aragorn soon gives the order for us to charge and we do so. Aragorn leading the way. I notice Legolas grab a shield from the ground and rides down the stairs on it, shooting arrows at the Uruks. Show off.

The Uruks continue flowing in from the hole in the wall. But they are met by men, elves, a dwarf and me. The battle continues on. Theoden soon tells us to return to gate. We do so while Gimli and Aragorn covered our escape.

Legolas and I then pull them to safety with a rope to the wall. We regroup inside. "The fortress is taken. It is over" Theoden states.

"Not as long as we live to fight for it" I tell him.

"You said this fortress would never fall while your men defend it. They still defend it" Aragorn states. A loud bang at the door is heard. "Is there no other way for the women and children to get out of the caves?" he asks.

The king and his men remain silent. "Is there no other way?" I demand.

"There is one passage. It leads into the mountains. But they will not get far. The Uruk-hai are too many" Gamling states. Aragorn grabs Gamling by his shoulder.

"Send word for the women and children to make for the mountain pass. And barricade the entrance" he orders.

"So much death. What can men do against such reckless hate?" Theoden asks. I look at my bracelet and curse. If I kill much more I'll fall. I can already sense the darkness in me raising.

"Are you ok?" Legolas asks me.

"I'm fine" I tell him.

"The sun is rising" Gimli announces.

"Yes! The horn of Helm Hammerhand shall sound in the deep, one last time" Theoden states.

"Yes!" Gimli cheers. He climbs up a set of stairs to blow the horn. We all mount our horses. Well I mount my unicorn Lilo. Gimli blows in to the horn and the doors give in.

"Forð Eorlingas!" Theoden shouts. The King rides out with Aragorn, Legolas and his men by his side. I ride beside Legolas as Gimli continues to blow the horn. We fight down the causeway into the Uruk army. I notice something on the horizon and focus my eyes to see Gandalf with the Rohirrim. I sigh in relief as the enemy flies. They are killed by the men or by the trees themselves in the forest.

(Time skip)

I sit in my shared room with Eowyn. I'm alone. 'Soon I will be free' my dark self states.

'No, you will not be' I tell her.

'I will and there is nothing you can do to stop me from being free' she tells me.

'I will not fall, Legolas will not allow it' I state.

'You think he loves you' she sneers. 'But he does not, if he did he would of told you by now' she states. She makes a good point. 'I will see you soon and you will disappear forever' she tells me. I feel her leave, but know she won't be gone long. She's gathering her strength so that she can take complete control of me. If I don't find love soon, I will fall. Please save me Legolas.


Picture above of the stone after the battle of Helm's deep and picture on the external link of the battle.

Rhiannon Sunburst: LOTR FanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя