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Rhiannon's POV

We arrive at the edge of the Lothlorien realm and enter the forest. I'm fully charged after our run over the plains. Aragorn and Legolas are leading the way, Boromir close behind them. The hobbits are all with Gimli as I bring up the rear. Gimli is telling the hobbits to stay close as a witch lives here. But there is no witch, just Lady Galadriel.

Suddenly we're surrounded by elves aiming their bows at us. "Is this how you greet all guests Haldir?" I ask as I look at the warden.

"Princess Rhiannon" he says and bows his head. The gaurds lower their bows.  "We heard you were coming, Lilo is here and has awaited your arrival" he states.

"Good to hear" I tell him. "Is there not a safer place where we can talk?" I ask him. He nods his head and tells us to follow him. We head deeper into the woods and for to a watch platform. Aragorn talks to Haldir trying to convince him to let us into Lothlorien.

"You carry great evil, you can go no farther" he states.

"I'm sure Lady Galadriel will allow us safe passage. After all we are on a quest to save Middle Earth" I tell him. "The road is very dangerous and we need Lady Galadriel's guidance if we are to succeed" I add. He nods his head agreeing and tells us to follow him again.

"Princess Rhiannon, welcome to Lothlorien" Lady Galadriel says as we stand before her

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"Princess Rhiannon, welcome to Lothlorien" Lady Galadriel says as we stand before her.

"Thank you for letting us in my lady, I pray we can talk later. But right now there are more important things to discuss" I tell her. She nods her head in agreement.

"Nine there are here, yet ten there were, set out from Rivendell. Tell me, where is Gandalf?" Lord Celeborn asks us. Lady Galadriel's husband. "For I much desire to speak with him. I can no longer see him from afar" he states.

"Gandalf the Grey did not pass the borders of this land" Lady Galadriel states.

"He has fallen into shadow" I tell them sadly.

"He was taken by both Shadow and Flame: a Balrog of Morgoth" Legolas explains.

"What now becomes of this Fellowship? Without Gandalf, hope is lost" Celeborn says.

"No hope is lost, as long as one soul fights for it" I tell him.

"She is right, though the quest stands on the edge of a knife. Hope remains as long as the company remains true" Galadriel explains. "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Go now and rest for you are weary with sorrow and much toil. Tonight you will sleep in peace" she tells us. "Princess Rhiannon, please come" she says and I follow her.

"Have you been in contact with my home?" I ask her.

"Yes, war has not reach them yet. If you succeed, war will not reach them" she assures me.

"I am glad, I worry for my home" I tell her.

"Have you found your one yet?" she asks me.

"I don't know, how do you know when you have found him?" I ask her.

"When you can't live without him" she tells me. "Here is your room, there is a dress inside along with a drawn bath. I hope you join us for dinner, though you do not eat" she says.

"I'd be honoured to join you for dinner" I tell her. She smiles and leaves me. I go into my room and strip. Then bath.

I smooth out my dress with a smile, it reminds me of home

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I smooth out my dress with a smile, it reminds me of home. I walk about the trees and find the hobbits. They all seem sad still. I get an idea and flutter over. "Do you four remember the promise I made you in Rivendell?" I ask them smiling.

"Promise?" Pippin says confused.

"You mean the one about the unicorn?" Sam asks.

"Yes, I know we have not yet completed our quest. But how would you like to meet her now?" I suggest. They all agree and I lead them to a clearing. Where we find Lilo grazing and I whistle.

She looks up and whinnies happily and gallops over. I pay her nose fondly. "Lilo, these are Sam, Frodo, Pippin and Merry. They are hobbits, guys this is Lilo" I say introducing them.

"She's pretty" Merry says giving her a carrot.

"Her fur is so soft" Pippin says as he rans his hand through her mane.

"I agree" Frodo says with a smile.

"Can we ride her?" Sam asks.

"Of course" I say and mount her. I pick up Frodo first placing him in front of me. We gallop around the clearing then do the same with the other hobbits. As I hop off Legolas appears looking awe struck.

"My eyes must be under some spell" he says.

"They are not" I assure him. "This is Lilo and she is a unicorn" I tell him.

"She is beautiful" he states as he pats her.

"She is" I agree with a smile.

"Why do you not fly more?" he asks me.

"It uses to much magic" I tell him. "I try not to fly unless it is an emergency" I explain.

"Shame your wings are beautiful when bathed in the sun" he tells me and I blush. "What is the forest like?" he asks me.

"Magical" I tell him.

"I've always wanted to visit, but after my mother's death. My father hardly let me leave our forest. I've been free for sixty years and still have so much to see" he tells me.

"This is my first time out of my realm" I tell him.

"Really? But you knew Gandalf, Elrond and Haldir" he states.

"From stories or when they visited my realm. Haldir only visited once though" I explain. "My first time out of my home and I'm fighting to save Middle Earth" I say.

"When we survive this, I'll show you all of Middle Earth" he tells me with a smile.

"I have my best friends wedding to attend first. Besides after this I doubt my parents would let me leave our home realm again" I tell him.

"I think I could convince them" he tells me.

"Maybe, where are the hobbits?" I ask him.

"Don't know, they were here a moment ago" he states. "Lets go, they are probably already at dinner" he adds. I agree and we leave Lilo in the clearing heading to the feasting platform. "By the way, you look beautiful in that dress" he tells me and I blush. We reach the platform and join the others for dinner.


Picture above of Haldir and his guard. Picture on the external link of Lilo and gif in chapter of Celebo

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