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Taehee pov

I got out of jk car and went into the house. I see my mom and dad sitting on the couch talking and I walked up to them and said "hi". They both looked at me and said "taehee where is your brother." I said idk. They just looked at me and said" while he won't be here for long." I just looked at them in disbelief. 

I went to my room and I sat on my bed and thought to myself they are really going to kick him out. Then I heard the front door open and I heard teahyung's  voice. I went downstairs and teahyung looked at me with tears in his eyes. I asked him what was wrong.

He said" let's talk in your room". So we went to my room. I closed the doors and he told me that our parents kicked him out. I couldn't believe my ears my parents are abandoning their own son like that. I told him that I will go with him and I won't leave his side. He told me to stay here and that he can take care of himself. But I couldn't let him leave not like that. When he was about to leave I run out after him. He told me to go back inside I told him no not without him.

Jisoo pov
I was sitting on the couch with my lovely husband waiting for my kids to get home. The first one to come in was my daughter. She looked at us and said hi we asked her where was her brother she said idk so. She went up stairs to her room. Then my son walked in me and my husband was trying to ask why was he fighting but he told us that he didn't have to tell us anything.

Jin told him "that as long as you live under our roof you obey by our rules" that made him very angry he said that we where never there that we didn't have a say at how he live his life. I got fed up with his attitude I stood up an said "get out" and then my daughter walked down the stairs and she looked at her brother what's wrong and he said "let's talk in your room". They walked up the stairs to her room and closed the door. Then both of them came down with taehee running after taehyung.

Taehyung pov
I was riding with j-hope home. He came to pick me up from school. When I got inside my mom and dad was sitting on the couch they asked me why did I fight I told it was none of their business. But my dad just had to be big bad mighty Joe and say "as long as you live under our roof you will obey our rules" I told him that they didn't raise me and taehee our maids did with the help of our brothers namjoon.

Me and my dad was going back and forth and my mom stood up and told me to get out. After that I seen my twin sister come down the stairs and she seen that I was about to cry she ask what was wrong I told "let talk in you room" in we went up to her room and I told her everything that happened. She said that she will go with I told her to stay here and I was walking away and she ran after me.

Jk pov

I was at home chilling on the couch when my phone started to ring. I picked it up and it was taehyung.


Hey tae what's up. 


Jk I need your help

What do you need.

I need you to come pick me from home.

Why do you need me to pick you up.

Because I got kicked out of the house and now taehee is with me.

Alright I'm on my way stay put don't move.

End of the call.

Taehyung pov

Me and taehee was waiting out the house with our well me with my bag and holding on to my arm. She looked at me and asked  are we going to be okay and where we going to live now I told that she still has a place to go with mom and dad. But I also told her that she can go back in the house and she told no not with me. I gave up trying to make her go back home. Just then joungkook's car pulled up. Jongkook rolled down the window and said get in or are you going to walk. So we both got in and jungkook told me to let taehee sit in the front seat. I got so confused I asked why he said just let her. So i gave up and let her sit in the fount sit.

Jungkook pov

I was driving to teahyung and taehee's  house. When I got there I saw her and teahyung outside she looked like she was crying. They both walked up to my car I told teahyung to let her sit in the fount. He looked confused and he asked why I told to just let so he did. We where driving back to my place. When we got there my parents were home I was so confused where I saw a car I didn't recognize

 When we got there my parents were home I was so confused where I saw a car I didn't recognize

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I went up to the with both teahyung and taehee behind me. As we walked I saw my parents sitting on the couch with  another couple and they're daughter. The girl run up to me and said oppa I missed you I looked at her confused. She said do you remember me. I said "no" she said "it's me taylor " I got really confused then my parents told me that we were friends when we lived in busan. I said " oh hi what are you doing here" she looked genuinely confused. My mom said "I asked here and her family to come here so we can tell you the good news".  I asked "what's the good news"  she said " you and taylor are getting married" I said " like hell I am getting married to her" I said as I pointed at taylor. She looked hurt and said " oppa do you not like me anymore" I looked at her and said " yes you are correct I don't like you anymore I'm not sure if I liked you at all". Than she looked behind me and seen taehee and said " is it because of her " I looked confused she pointed behind me so I turned around and seen she was pointing at taehee. I nodded my head yes. She got really mad and stomped up to me and pushed me I stumbled backwards. I looked at her and said get out she looked at me and started to cry. I put my hand up and said " shut up taylor I don't want to hear it get all of you. Teahyung and taehee looked at me confused. And started to walked backwards to the door I told them two to go to my I wasn't talking to them. So they went to my room. When they're were out of sight I looked at my parents and and Taylor's parents and told them to leave my mom and dad was shocked at what I said to them. So they left with taylor and her family. I locked the door and went up to my room to find teahyung and taehee fast asleep on my bed.

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