taste great.

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Jungkook's pov

I smiled to myself as I smelled the delicious chocolate goodness of the chocolate chip cookies I just made.  I was happy that my new plan was in action. Finally tahee you will be mine. "Mwahahaha!"
I rubbed my hands together like the antagonist do in those movies.

"Yo What's with the evil laugh?  Are you trying to conjure up a spell or something?"

My face went visibly pale. I scooted the cookies behind me and looked at the gorgeous tahee. "No. Hehe." I smile became more strained than anything. "Why would you think that silly?"

"I was just playing. Why are you getting so defensive?" I heard that sweet chuckle and I fell in love all over again. I knew that now was the right time.

"Hey I want to host a bake sell do you think these cookies taste good enough?" I asked her. I then smashed a cookie in her mouth. I grabbed her shoulders and watched as she slowly  chewed on the cookie.

"It's a little burnt. But it's good." She finally responded after chewing for a couple of minutes.

I waited for the spell to take form but it seems like nothing was happening. "Hey do you feel a little funny. Like even about this much" I put up my thumb and index fingers and made a small gap in between them.

"No why?"

"I don't...."

Right then she fell. I instantly caught her dainty body in my built arms. "Taehee?" I faked being surprised for obvious reasons. Yeah I'm a pretty good actor. "Are you alright?"

She looked up at me with those beautiful baby brown eyes. "Jungkook I love you!" She threw herself on me like i was her knight and shining armor.

I then picked her up like the princess she obviously is and took her upstairs.

"My love. My only love jeon jungkook, please spend the night with me." She caress the side of my face slowly. She looked like one of those Broadway or old time actors. "If not I will surely die. Would you like me to die."

"Taehee calm down girl." I scooted back just a little. I didn't know that the potions worked this damn good. "I will stay the night. But know you got me wondering what you possibly die from?"

"A broken heart love."

I know she didn't just respond with that. A broken heart, oh wow I should've seen it coming though.
"Well I don't want that to happen."

I then stood up and dusted off my clothes. "I will be back soon." I stepped away to go out the door. However an overly peachy voice called me.

"Jungkookie where are you going?"

"To get water my love." I swung the door open and left. I headed downstairs to get exactly what I said water.

I grabbed a glass cup and got cold water straight from the faucet.
"Cheating bitch." I gasped and looked over my shoulder.

"Fucking ghostly ghoul having meow meow head ass better shut up. You're mad because I used my brains." I looked at yoongi.

The shorter slouched on the floor. Yup he's one of those demons. Rumor has it that he went to jail because he was too lazy to climb the stairs to heaven.
"Why are you even here when you are supposed to be swooning someone. Don't you want to feel love?" I asked.

The pale figure just shrugged his shoulders. "Listen here bunny...ooh cookie." He grabbed the cookie and devoured it.

"Wait do...." There was nothing I could do. "I wanted to know who you loved." When my door opened and he went invisible I felt like shit. Whomever he make eye contact he will certainly fall in love with. I'm just trying to figure out who it is.

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