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Taehee pov

Today was my day! I'm extremely excited. As I sat in the crystallized room in a white chair I felt a tad bit nervous. My grand white dress was flowing like rivers. It was flawless.

If it wasn't obvious ready I'm getting married. My father is here and my brothers is too. If I had to describe my feeling and my wedding in one word it would be impossible. It's impossible because I can't just sell this day short and just describe it with one word.

I looked up at my reflection to see a beautiful young lady staring right back at me. This was the first time in my life that I felt beautiful, not because of the pretty flowers and the puffy dresses. No and it wasn't because of the make up on my face, it had something to do with me feeling like a different person.

Jungkook changed my life, no he saved me ,literally, from destruction. He is different from all of the other guys I have ever dated. I didn't chase him, I didn't reach for him, he had done all of the reaching. All I had to do was grab his waiting hand.

Deep down I hope that nothing  has changed. We fit just like puzzle pieces, I pray that our corners doesn't get chipped.

"Taehee it's time."

When my father said that I was nervous. My hands started to sweat and I felt something I my stomach do backflips.

I grabbed my father's hand and let him guide me out of the waiting room. When those big double doors open revealing a beautiful white wonderland I could help but to shed tears.

As we walked down the isle of the building I felt like this was a dream, a dream that I will soon wake up from. But it didn't happen. I still pinched myself a couple of times to make sure that I wasn't dreaming.

"You look amazing." I smiled brightly when my father handed my off to jungkook, the man of my dreams. How I loved him. He didn't make me change at all, he loved me.

Jungkook pov

I couldn't stop smiling, my cheeks were on fire but I didn't care. The way taehee long brunette hair Flowed down her back in spiraling curls. I didn't forget to notice her cherry red lips or her glistening eyes. She was utterly beautiful.

The pastor was now talking and I really wasn't paying attention. I was too busy staring into her eyes. My body moved on just pilot mode for most if the service. I was too mesmerized by her.

When it came time for the vowels we said everything from out hearts. There wasn't any hesitation. The only thing that cause me to worry now was the spell. I began to wonder if she truly loved me or was it the spell speaking.

"Do you jeon jungkook take the woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"Do you tahee take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

I couldn't wait any longer I kissed her passionately. I felt more than a spell I felt her, it felt real.

"You may now ki..... just keep doing what you are doing." The pastor say causing everyone in the crowd to laugh.

Personally i didn't care I was just to focused on me and her."I love you." I whispered to her as I slowly massaged her hands in mine.

"I love you more."

That's all it took for me to pick her up bridal style and carry her out of the room.

Finally I was happy. I deeply hoped she was too.

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