unfortunate return

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Jungkook's pov

I walked over to Taehyung who was just sucking on a lollipop while leaning on my car. We were heading to pick up taehee but my tire decided to grind my gears and get a flat. So now we are stuck waiting for someone to help Taehyung and my stranded ass.

Taehyung sneezed twice and I swear a little fairy popped out of his nose. Was he sniffing glitter cause sparks sure did fly.
"Aren't you going to say bless you?"

I looked at Taehyung after he asked me that.
"No. Why should I? I don't think sky daddy wouldn't like me using one of his amazing terms to justify his greatness." I act like a drew a rainbow with my hands. Talk about imagination.

Taehyung scoffed at me. "Who do you think you are the devil's son?"

"Yes actually."

Damnit I realized my mistake especially after the look of terror that passed through Taehyung's eyes. "I mean I think I'm a monkey's uncle." I chuckled so awkwardly.

I walked over to Taehyung but he was visibly shaken up by my words. Once again I felt that feeling. But this feeling became a feeling of panic. Something wasn't right.

"Jungkook are you ok?" I felt Taehyung's hands on my back
I didn't know what was happening but I felt so terrible. I stood up but it was too powerful. Out of the corner of my left eye I could see how hard Taehyung flew back and hit a tree.

"No shit look at what I have done. I hurt the fucking alien." I walked over to the knocked out boy. I grabbed his face in my hands, shit I got some so many veins in my damn arms they just pops out. Focus kook you need to make sure tae is alright so you can marry his beautiful, gorgeous, magnificent, bodacious, very.... focus. I smack myself in the head a couple of times to get my brain to focus.

"Taehyung are you ok?" I placed my hands by his neck to check his pulse. He was unresponsive but he was still breathing. Wow that's a great sign.

I leaned in to check his heartbeat to make sure it was alright. The thumping seems normal. Wait it just got faster and now it's getting even more faster. I looked up to see Taehyung with wide eyes staring right back at me.

"It's not what it looks like. I was checking your heartbeat." I felt so embarrassed. Once again thing always end weirdly between us. At this rate I might as well scratch the brother plan out.

"You're a demon." Taehyung eyes were full of fear. Yup I might as well cross out the brother plan. "No wait you're a good demon." Wow this kid is clueless. Does he not know that there will never be a such thing as a good demon.

"No I'm just not one that wants to cause harm." I huffed and stood up. Finally someone came to fix my car. But wait I could've done that the whole time.

I smacked my forehead when I sat down in the car. We were approximately twenty years later picking up taehee so I hope she's OK.

When I drove off I felt something so weird. Almost like someone was watching me. No not someone but something was.
When I took a quick look in my rear view I seen that dude that I thought i killed. "What the dues."


I took a quick glance at Taehyung before looking back at the now dark and scary road in front of us. "Nothing just make sure you have your seat belt strapped on."

I could tell that my tone was absolutely vile, but I didn't know who that creep was. All I know is that he should be dead.

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