you said that already

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Taehee pov

"Run all of you miserable maggots." I rolled my eyes when I was out of my coach's sight. No I'm not in the military bit my cheer coach sure does treat us like we are professionally trained military men.

When I got done running all of my team followed me to get water. "No more running please." I said to myself. I was so exhausted at the physical exercise. Don't get me wrong I love to workout however I can't stand over doing it. It will always leave you with a hurting head and worn out limbs that no one wants to deal with in the in.

"Time to go home everyone." Every cheered but I was too tired to. I walked away from the crowd after we were dismissed. I walked out of the schools gym to where the people pick us up.

Jungkook wasn't here yet so I sat down and plugged in my music. I turned it up just wanting to tune out the loud noise around me. I swear the world can be so chaotic and challenging.

I tapped my feet to the beat of each song that played. When I looked up I just started to notice the darkening skies. I pulled out my phone to dial Taehyung's number but a car pulled up.

"Get in loser we're going shopping." I looked in at the what I call a Malibu barbie. Which is a compliment in my book of life. I smiled when Lisa let me in the car.

I threw my bag down. "Do you think I can get a hug?" I reached over and hugged the giddy girl.
My heart went out to her especially after the Taehyung situation. She hasn't really been herself lately so I'm happy to see her getting back up.

"I'm happy to see you are doing better Lisa." I blew a kiss to her before she drove off scaring me.
When we got to the mall we went to every stor and got at least one thing from it. Our hands and arms were filled up to the brim.

"Hey taehee." I looked at Lisa when she called me. "Do you think that your brother has been really weird lately?"

"No what do you mean?" I was really curious to why she even thought that. The only thing I know is wrong with Taehyung is that he is an absolute player.

I smacked my teeth when my phone started to ring. Me and Lisa tried to figure out ways to get to it. It was a mess I had to literally drop everything to pick up my phone.


"Where are you?"

I rolled my eyes at Taehyung's worried voice. "I'm fine. Lisa had picked me up and took me shopping." Taehyung made a sigh of relief which made me chuckle.

I looked to Lisa who was so silent. She probably started to wonder if Taehyung would say anything about her. But he unfortunately didn't. Before he hung up he told me to be home before ten.
It was already nine so Lisa took me home.

When I pulled up to the house it was ghost quiet. I had opened the door so Lisa and I could bring in the mountain of clothes. After helping me get everything situated she left.

I sat down in the bed only just realizing that they weren't home. So I called them. It took a couple of rings before someone answered.

"Taehee are you ok! Where are you?" I looked at my phone. Did this dweeb have short term memory loss or something because I just told him.

"You just asked me that almost thirty minutes." I smacked my forehead. I laughed at Taehyung's stupidity. But I stopped when i heard his shaky voice.

"O couldn't reach you at all. Your phone went straight to voice-mail. Are you home?" I had goosebumps all up and down my arm.

"Yes." I responded. All of a sudden I feel an unsettling feeling. "Are you guys on your way?"

"Yes we are down the street."

I felt at ease soon as he said that. So when the care light popped up on the door I smiled. When the door opened and I seen my brother's tears I ran over and hugged him.

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