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3rd pov

Jungkook turned over while sleeping. He just couldn't find a comfortable spot to rest. Everything seemed lumpy especially the pillow.
Deciding that he wasn't going to mess with the pillow he pushes it off the bed.

"Ouch.... bitch." Jungkook jumped up. "Pillows aren't supposed to talk" jungkook says in a low confused voice.

"That's because I not a pillow. This is a pillow." When Jungkook seen the pale arm pulled up the pillow he knew who it was.  Yoongi got up off of the floor and sat on the bed.

"For a deadly ghost you sure as hell is clingy." Jungkook smirked at the older. "Your always by Me, like can I get some space?"  Jungkook pushed yoongi farther away. "I'm only marrying one person and that ain't you."

"Please marry you. That equivalent to marrying a bunny from a petting zoo." Yoongi smile in victory when jungkook gasped in shock and his face had a hurt expression on it. "Besides I'm here to make sure you don't see your bride."

Jungkook pov

Yes, I forgot that today was my special day. you see me and taehee has officially been engaged. Tears were shed and hearts were broken. Since I made the deadline I don't have to marry mina. The act of true love is amazing.

While sitting down on my bed I look we  at yoongi. The older pale male with the mint green hair just seemed down. Usually I wouldn't give two fucks but today is a different day. "Yoongi what's wrong?" I asked in a caring voice. "Is something bothering you?"

Yoongi looked up to me. Everything was written on his face. "I messed up. I messed up big time, I can't even take it back."

Truthfully I had no clue what he meant, but the way he felt was enough to bring my mood to his level. "What can't you take back?"

"I love someone but they don't love me back. What should I do?"

"Your really going to ask me that question?" I asked. Did he not see me cheat with getting taehee. Well if he must know then I will take the same advise a wise man once gave to me. "Cheaters never prosper but with love it will always prevails."

"What? Who told you that?" He asked. Yoongi face looked unsure of what I said.

How could he not be sure of what I said when my dad told me this. "Well these very wise words of my father." I said with a smile plastered on my face.

Yoongi easily had the most dumbfounded look I have ever seen.  It was kinda cute. I shifted my position so I was facing him more. I grabbed his small hands, "if you need help I can help you get your love." I winked at him which made his cheeks turn pink.

"Fuck you and your help. I can get him on my own...." my head snapped to him. He had his hand covering his mouth with his eyes bulging wide.

Yes even my heart jumped. I thought he was going after my taehee. I had to fake like it didn't catch me by surprise that he was into guys. "Well I can help get the guy of your dreams. Well not Brad Pitt he's off limits."

Yoongi gave me a soft smile. It was strange, no I wasn't falling for yoongi let's be honest I would rather date a dumpster because they are less creepy.

"Jungkook can you do me a favor?" I watch yoongi move away from me. Did I stink?

"Sure I will...."

"Can you not act like those privileged heterosexual people who believe in their souls that I'm in love with them because I'm interested in the same gender?" He asked me.

Yup he just got even more creepy.
"Of course I won't. I'm notice those inconsiderate humans. They are a waste of time anyways."
I realized that yoongi wasn't all bad today. He showed me more of his soft side and honestly I appreciate it.

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