im not gay

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3rd pov

After yoongi got taehee to a 'safe' place. He was very skeptical of leaving the little girl by the Satan but jungkook's orders. Yoongi headed by the door. He was about to push the big black double doors open, however it wasn't needed because jungkook pulled it open.

"Thanks." Jungkook whispers before walking past yoongi. Yoongi watched as the taller was talking to his father. No matter how many time jungkook has insulted his height, yoongi still remained faithful to the younger's wishes.
Well it was the younger's ambition to be with who he loves that paved the way for yoongi to follow.

If jungkook could mess with the status quo so could yoongi. With his heart thumping over a billion miles per hour, yoongi fastens his pace to reach the one he had feeling for.

In record breaking time he was able to make back to their house. After just a week of living in the house,m someone else had came to stay. He said his name was namjoon. Yoongi hates namjoon with a passion because the older is too close to his love.

Yoongi was now standing outside of the door of the room that taehyung slept in. Yoongi gripped the chain banging around his neck and looked at the younger ad he slept. He wanted to man up a long time ago but the time never seemed right.

Yoongi walked over to the chair in the dark room. He folded his hands in his lap as his back was straight. He just sat there watching taehyung. That was something he could do for eternity.

Taehyung tossed and turned. He rearrange his pillow and covers. With some fabric bunched in his hand taehyung slowly opened his big eyes. "Ha...." Taehyung's eyes widens when yoongi hand went over his mouth to stop him from screaming.

"Shh. I won't hurt you. I just want to all about you." For a demon yoongi was sure sweating and nervous. He couldn't help it, is this what temptation felt like?

Taehyung removed the pale hand and leaned his head to the side. "Why? My life isn't that interesting." Taehyung scooted back on his bed.

Yoongi shook his head, "you don't understand. I find you interesting." The older crawled like a cat on the bed towards taehyung. Taehyung watch with curiosity.

The younger bunch the covers more in his hands. "I'm not interesting, really. I'm your average boring high-school student." Taehyung didn't know this feeling that started to arise in the pit of his stomach.

Both males could agree that the atmosphere was thick. So thick that it could be seen from miles away.  Yoongi made the first move. He closed the gap between the two. He grabbed the back of Taehyung's neck and pulled him closer.

The kiss wasn't rough, it was sweet and innocent. Taehyung would be lying if he said his heart didn't just beat a little faster.
"Wait.." taehyung pushed yoongi back. "I'm not gay. I like girls."

Yoongi chuckled in disbelief. "You know I can sense all of your feelings. Jungkook didn't feel attracted to you for no reason." Yoongi smirked. "You felt something there. When will you get that there's no chance that you will ever be with jungkook."

Taehyung punched yoongi in the gut but the older just chuckled. "Wha..." taehyung panics when yoongi gripped his wrists and pushed them over his head. With his body laying flat on the bed so did yoongi.

Taehyung gulped down a lump in his throat. He slowly turned his head so he made eye contact with the man. "Why me?"

"I told you already I'm fascinated with you. I long for your attention." That all taehyung heard from the older before yoongi dove his head down and kissed him again.

They remained lips touching lips until the light flicked on. Taehyung eyes looked over at the door. "Namjoon?" Taehyung watched as namjoon just walked around the bed with out saying anything.

The older didn't seem to mind him kissing another male? Taehyung was going to say something until he looked around the room and then down at himself. He realized that no one was there.

"What's wrong?" Namjoon asked as he sat down on the bed next to taehyung.

"Nothing." Taehyung turned over, his back facing namjoon. He couldn't tell it was just a dream or real life. It all felt too real, it was also very scary because whomever that person was knew Taehyung darkest secret.

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