you lose.

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Jungkook's pov

After a long week of taehee constantly touching me, kissing me, waiting up for me, I learned that maybe taking the easy way out wasn't exactly a good plan.
But it work, and as I always say a working plan is better than the plan with potential because it always get something down.
In this case what is getting down here is my future being determined.

Taehee and I was now in hell visiting my father. The way she smiled so cheeky at me made my heart thump. The way her little hands gripped mine somehow gave me confidence. "I love you jungkook."

My cheeks heated and turned pink when she said that. "I love you too, Kim taehee." It felt like a scene from those iconic movies like grease or highschool musical.
"Let us celebrate with a kiss." I leaned in after my romantic gesture. Our lips so close to touching. I could feel the erotic pressure of her body, I wanted more.

"Jungkook, darling how are you." A woman voice said.

"Damn you sky daddy." I growled looking at the sky. My eyes twitching as I scowled at the woman. "Mom why do you have to be a real vibe killer?"

"Honey I'm your mother that's what I do." My mother with her long grey locks said. She stared so evil at taehee. Her eyes full of hate and judgment. "Who is this person." I could see how hard she gulped in the middle of her sentence. Yeah she definitely did like my taehee.

"I'm jungkook's soul mate." Taehee shocked me and my mother. Usually the girl isn't that vocal but now...... she just need a clamp for her lips.

"I feel like singing your name," oh lord she began to sing, "jungkook. Jungkook jung..."

I clamped her lips shut. "Honey save that for the bed room." I said while flattening out her pink top. "Mother dearest don't need to hear your amazing vocals."

"Well my kookie I didn't know you wanted her. You see I had already made plans for you and mina to get married."

"I hate her and her family. Besides dad said if i could find my true love before I get called home then I could marry them instead." I pushed my nose in disgust at my mother's actions. Who do she think I am?

"Well it wouldn't be fair to mina. She came all the way from...."

"Send her back." I interrupt her statement this time folding my arms. "You brought her here you can send her back."

"Jungkook she really...."

"Enough my kookie said no." Taehee scoffed at my mother. Her sneering face made me fall so much more in love. I knew I was making heart eyes at her, but i couldn't stop. Something about habing vocally powerful woman made me feel great.

My mother head tilted to the side. She raised her hand in the air and sent a blast of fire at taehee. I was quick enough to grab the ball. I put it out as quickly as I could before glaring at my mother. "Who do you think you are?"

"No jungkook who do you think you are?" My mother started floating in the air. As she floated she began to circle us. Me and taehee eyes peered up, hers slightly in fear, me I looked up with pure rage.

I looked at mina who was hiding. Something told me then to get taehee to my father right away. I grabbed her and sprinted off. I could feel my mother and mina gaining on us.

I couldn't out run them with taehee and she wouldn't make it running on her own. Out of the corner of my eye I see a small figure I quickly place the girl in his arms. "Yoongi take her to my father and I will set you free."

The pale individual did as told. I stopped running and stood in front of my mother and mina. I knew that if I could distract them then taehee would have a chance at survival.

I smelt it from the start they were going to kill her. That's why my father never showed up in the room. "You lose." I flipped them off then zooming away to get to my father.

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