not a joke

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Taehyung's pov

In the middle of the night I got thirsty. For some odd reason I figured out jungkook was a demon. It wasn't because I was smart enough but someone or something had told.

I walked my way down the stairs to get a nice glass of room temperature water. As I sipped it I felt eyes on me.


I looked into the living area after hearing someone call my name. "What?" I answered after it called me again. "Jungkook this isn't funny." I walked into the living to see no one. But I know for a fact that something just said my name. It was loud and clear.

With shaky hands I put the glass down on the nearest counter. I then walked quietly to look more around. I expected jungkook to be around but to my surprise no one was there.


I inhaled deeply before running up the stairs. I don't know if I was fast but I sure got my butt up them stairs and headed back to my room. I opened my room door and jumped into my bed and quickly got under my covers.

I winced a little when my door opened. I could hear the creaking noises so I shut my eyes at least trying to pretend to be asleep.
"Taehyung are you ok? I heard you running through the hallways."

I pulled back the cover to see jungkook standing there with his hands on his hip with a sligh smile. It was that bunny freak. Man he is such a bitch. No he is a taehee ass kisser. "I was fine until you called my name you weirdo. Like why do peo......"

"What did you just say?"

What did he mean? I know that he knows that the jig is up. He can't fool me anymore. "I said your little prank is over. You can't scare me."

"No what did you say about the calling of your name?" Wait jungkook didn't call my name. The very confused expression on his face convinced me that he didn't know that someone called my name. Or maybe he is trying to trick me again.

My eyebrows furrowed as I made an angry face. "Listen here you weird bunny. You can't call my name and scare me. I know it was you who called my name when I was in the kitchen a couple of minutes ago."

"Tae I thought I heard you running around my house that's why I came in here to check on you. I didn't even know someone called your name." I listened as he explained more. Apparently he heard me repeatedly running through the halls. I was downstairs during that time frame that he mentioned though.

"No I was getting water. Then I heard someone call my name." I started hicupping as I got afraid again. You see my mother would usually talk to me about my incredible fear of ghost however she is gone.

Jungkook grabbed my face when I started hyperventilating. But when I looked in his eyes I saw my mother and all I could do was break down again.

Taehee pov

I heard cries. No those are my brother's cries. I jumped up out of my bed and ran straight for his room. When I entered my brother was balling his eyes out while his head was pressed against jungkook's chest.

I quietly and quickly walked over and aggressively pushed jungkook out of the way. I then placed Taehyung's head gently on my chest instead. "What happened tae?"

"I saw mom's face." My blood ran cold. I turned my head to the left only to see jungkook looking worried. Those dark yet lovely eyes oh.... snap out of it finish comforting your brother. I rocked Taehyung in my arms.

"It's alright. Mama is in a better place now." I felt his hand grip my arm like he didn't want to let go. To be honest I didn't want to let him go either. While hugging him with one arm I smacked jungkook with the other to get his attention.

"What?" He looked at me while rubbing his head. I giggled a little.
"Can our older brother stay with us. I think it would make it easier for us?" I asked. Jungkook nodded his head and walked off. Mostlikely to get our older brother.

I finally looked down to see Taehyung fast asleep. I then guided his body down gently so that he was flat on his back. I kissed his forehead and then pulled the covers over him before walking out to go back to sleep.

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