Me and Jung kook arrived at the mansion that my parents had given us but something seemed off. Something  didn't seat right with me  i felt it as soon as i stepped foot into the house. The couch was shifted a little bit to the right and that's not how i left it. I looked to the left and i saw a shadow run past the window. I've got lost in my thoughts of who that could be and the out of the corner of my right eye i saw a shadow standing in the middle of the kitchen. I said under my breath what the f****. Then i heard Jung kook call my name from upstairs and it pulled me out of my thoughts. Than i looked back to the kitchen and the person wasn't there anymore. it scared me sh**less. I went upstairs to see Jung kook sitting on the bed looking at his phone. I asked what did he want he looked at and said i didn't call you. 

Taehee looked at Jung kook and said "yes you did i heard you". then Jung kook put his phone down and looked into my  eyes and he could see that i  was visible uncomfortable and he said "babe what's wrong" and i just shocked my head no. He looked at me and said "baby please tell me what's wrong"? I told him that i saw someone downstairs he looked at me and then he got up from his position on the bed and went downstairs. then the only thing i heard was TAEHEE!!! from downstairs. i ran downstairs as fast as i could and what i saw was complete terrifying the whole leaving room was a mess the couch was tip over and the lap was on the other side of the room and the love seat was i front of the door. then on the wall was written in blood was you b**** i will kill you. you think that this is over but it's far from it see you soon. I was so scared. Jung kook then said we have to get out of here i need to make sure you are safe. 

I was too stunned by the whole scene  that was in front of me i was so lost in my thoughts that i didn't even hear Jung kook calling me. the Jung kook snapped in my face to bring me back to reality. I looked at he told me to call my brothers to see if i could stay with them. I got my phone and called Teahyung 

otp: Taehee: hey bro do you think i could stay with you and yoongi 

Taehyung: yeah sure what's going on did you fight with Jung kook 

Taehee: no 

Taehyung: than what is going on?

Taehee: our house is a mess and Jung kook is afraid for me.

Taehyung: oh i'm on my way

i went back downstairs to see Jung kook walking back and forth he was making my even more uncomfortable  than i already was. he than stop and looked at he asked did i get a hold of my brother. I told him yes and he is on his way. 

Teahyung pov: on the way to teahee's house i got this feeling that she wasn't telling me something i got on the phone with namjoon 

Otp: namjoon: what do you want taehyung

Taehyung: i think that jungkook and teahee got into a fight and she is too sacred to tell me

Namjoon: what did she say happened

Taehyung:she told me that he is scared for her

Namjoon: than i think you should believe her don't push it just let it be

Teahyung: oh okay fine but if i'm right about this i swear i will kill him

Namjoon: ok tae just don't push on the subject

Teahyung: okay

While I was on the phone I looked up and saw that I was at her house. I saw her coming out of the house with jungkook. They both had they're begs with them which really confused me when she got in the car I asked. I thought that you said it was you. She looked at me. I thought that you would assume that it would be both of us.

I was dumbfounded. Did she just say what I think she just said? I was driving back to my house with my sister and her husband. I kept looking in the review at her and I could see she had her hand on her belly. I asked if she was hungry and she said that she was fine. I pulled into my driveway and I saw yoongi on the front step. I got out of the car and he came up to us and took my sister's beg's from her and brought them into the house. When I got into the house, Jungkook grabbed me and yoongi back outside. I looked at him in confession and he told us that he needed us to take care of taehee. I agreed right away because that's my twin.   

I know I would regret it if I didn't agree. Jungkook told me and Yoongi what was going on.

Time skip to the next morning

Taehee pov: I woke up and I noticed that Jungkook was not there. I went downstairs to see my brother in the kitchen cooking something and the only thing that I could see was my dad and how was so happy when my mom was alive. I called his name and turned around and looked at him and asked where Jungkook was. He said that he went to the police station to make a police report.

I went back upstairs and grabbed my phone and called him and he told me he was on his way back. When I got off the phone I had the strong urge to vomit. I ran to the bathroom and emptied my guts in the toilet. My brother came into the bathroom. He handed me a pregnancy test. I took it and......   

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