time is too short

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Jungkook's pov

I walked throughout my house. It's been about a week since Taehyung flipped out and swore on his grave that I looked like his mother.  I rolled my eyes remembering him talking about someone calling his name. Of I didn't know any better I would think that the person clearly calling his name was his late mother.


I looked over my shoulder when something had fallen. I saw one of my chairs flipped over. I wasn't afraid of anything. I'm the literally son of you know who after all.

I tapped into my senses to see exactly who it was. "You fucking ass who long have you been free loading in my house?" My eyes went big when the person I swore I killed stepped out and made himself visible.

"I was sent back here to make sure you were actually doing what you're supposed." I laughed at the older. Did this short stick of nothing really think he could even watch me? I'm over him, yes I know that I'm being cocky but I have the right to.

"So you free load in my house and... wait were you the one that was scaring Taehyung?" My mouth dropped open when the man started to cackle and his gummy smile was visible.

"Yeah so. It was so hilarious." I wanted to smacked that grin right off of this mook's face. I tisk before going to sit down on my couch. I ignored his presence, let's be honest I can ignore anything. I was burn ignoring my parents.

"Wait what is your name?" I asked. The man went to open his mouth and I clamped his lips shut. "Ha nobody cares what your name is." I sat back feeling satisfied. I looked at him who stared into space while just nodding his head.

"It's yoongi."

"Oh sky daddy dammit yoongi." I said. I was expecting him to do that with his little meow meow head ass. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "You can leave I'm doing my job."

"Actually the date was changed. They want you to have you wife within three week in human time."

My eyes bucked open as my mouth dropped. "What?" I couldn't believe this. I chuckled with disbelief. "They can't do that. It's my life. I thought I still had at least another three months."

"Nope your father changed it because of your mother. She really wants you to marry Mina." Yoongi pat my shoulder. "Don't worry you got it."

Something was off about yoongi. I sniffed him. He moved back and put his fist up like he was going to punch me. I didn't care I smelled him before moving back. "Yup you reek of disappointment and desperation. You're here for the same purposes as me huh?"

"Yup you got it." He shot me finger guns. "You fuck feelings. Who even invented these dastardly things?"

I scoffed while looking at. I pointed upward, "sky daddy did." I rolled my eyes for the thousandth time. "Everyone knows that he loves for us to suffer."

"Why haven't you tried talking to him he isn't that bad." I looked at yoongi as if he was crazy. I was uncomfortable around this topic. It's quite obvious why I don't float to the sky and talk to the old man... excuse me old spirit.

"One my dad is his literal archenemy. Secondly I tried and he didn't let me in. And third I have lost all interest in trying to please that man who never could except me." I said. I sat in silence not wanting to talk anymore.

Yoongi clearly got the message. He let Me be and I let him be. But I hate the time change. It wasn't fair and i needed to do everything the right way but now it seems like the wrong way would just have to do.

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