Chapter 89

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The Other Peverell

                Christmas morning, not the best holiday for me but it feels great in waking up with the scent of freshly baked cookies in the morning, mom must be baking. I sat up in my bed only to find a bulging stocking and a stack of presents lying over the foot of my bed. I reached for my glasses and looked around; the tiny window in Ginny's room was almost completely obscured with snow, Ginny was still sleeping while Fleur have already gone down early.

                I sorted to my gifts, there was a hand-knitted sweater from Mrs. Weasley of course that had babybreaths worked onto the front as design. There were also a large box of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes products from the twins, a new pair of black and silver glasses from Hermione, a velvet purple dress that ended at the top of my knee from Rose, a new pair of Quidditch gloves from Harry, some products from France from Fleur, a newly released version of another firebolt from Sirius and some hair accessories from Ginny.

                I couldn't find any gifts from Mom or Dad though, I wonder why. I took a bath and changed into what Mrs. Weasley had gifted to me, it suited me well. The muted green and black complemented my pale skin and my blonde hair which was now fading and the roots were now growing out, I paired it with a black pea coat, a black skirt, a black Chelsea boot and a muted green Breton hat that had the same shade of the sweater that Mrs. Weasley had knitted for me.

                After I finally changed, I didn't rush downstairs, instead I went up to Harry and Ron's bedroom. Harry was still sleeping while Ron was now sorting through his presents, he picked up a gift and opened it.

                "She's got to be joking..." he uttered as he was sitting bolt upright his bed and examining what appeared to be a thick gold chain.

                I burst into laughter at the sight of it.

                "What the bloody hell is that?! Looks like a bunch of golden caterpillar stuck together!" I uttered as I laughed, falling to Ron's bed.

                "What's that?" asked Harry who had just woken up.

                "Bonjour, Harry. Merry Christmas!" I greeted Harry as I sat up Ron's bed.

                "Merry Christmas, Agape." Harry greeted back, smiling a little and rubbing his eyes for he had just woken up.

                "It's from Lavender," said Ron who sounded revolted. "She can't honestly think I'd wear..."

                Harry and I looked closely and we both let out a shout of laughter. Dangling from the chain in large gold letters were the words:

                My Sweetheart

                "Nice," said Harry. "Classy."

                "Yeah, you should definitely wear it in front of Fred and George, Wonwon." I teased him, still in laughter as I looked at it more, he glared at me for what I've called him.

                "I swear to Merlin, if you two tell them," said Ron as he shoved the necklace out of our sight under his pillow, "I — I — I'll—"

                "Stutter at us?" I said as I grinned.

                "Come on, would we?" said Harry who was also grinning along with me.

                "How could she think I'd like something like that, though?" Ron demanded of thin air, looking rather shocked.

                "Well, think back," said Harry. "Have you ever let it slip that you'd like to go out in public with the words 'My Sweetheart' around your neck?"

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