Chapter 4

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The Badger and the Soaring Eagle

The week passed so quickly that it's now the end of the week and my Quidditch tryouts, "Hey don't be nervous you'll be great" Trisha said comforting me while drinking her butterbeer.

"Thanks Trish" I thanked her and went out to the field for my tryouts

"Here is she, guys I want you to meet Agape Godfrey, she's very skilled flyer and she's here for the chaser role" Cedric pulled me in their circle

"Nice meeting you Godfrey" they greeted me, the tryouts began and I was beside other hufflepuffs that also wants to be a chaser

"Up!" I said and my broomstick flew to my hand and I rode it.

"On my whistle, 1...2...3..." Cedric counted and whistled, I kicked off from the ground and flew in the air chasing the guy with the Quaffle.

I got the Quaffle from the guy's grip, I speed up and threw the Quaffle into the ring. The bell rang meaning that I scored.

After sometime of playing I tied with a girl, "Okay our tie breaker is who will score 2 first" Cedric explained, I looked at the girl that I'm playing against with and she looked at me like she was so sure in winning.

"On my whistle, 1...2...3..." he counted and blew the whistled, I got the ball first but she pushed me making me lose my grip and she scored, the next round I relaxed.

The round started and she got the Quaffle I made a trick that I didn't even knew that I knew. I flew to the air over her head upside down and landed in front of her which made her shocked and lose her grip, the Quaffle fell and I dove down to catch it, I caught it and immediately threw it to the ring and scored.

"Another tie" Cedric said as the match gets intense.

Like what I did in the 2nd round, I relaxed and just let the game flow. I got the Quaffle when the game started, she tried to get it from me by pushing me from the side but my grip was so tight. She didn't stop pushing me so I came up with a plan, I stopped when she was going to push me again which made her fall off her broom, I threw the ball to the ring and scored, winning the tryouts and making it to the team.

"Let me help you" I offered her my hand when I got off my broomstick

"You have very good techniques, you're going to be a good chaser" she said as I pull her up. "Congrats, Godfrey" she said and offered a handshake which I gladly accepted

"Thank you," I thanked her

"Great job Agape!" Cedric came and congratulate me

"Thanks Ced" I thanked him

"That was such a nice trick, how did you learn it?" Zacharias Smith, a chaser asked me

"I actually don't know that, I don't know how I did that" I confessed

"Woah, cool" Zach said

"Thanks" I said and gave him a smile

"Welcome to Hufflepuff's quidditch team, Agape Godfrey" Cedric said and gave me my uniform, "I hope we win with you" he said jokingly and they all laughed because Hufflepuff actually never won many times in quidditch.

"To our new member!" Cedric said, He raised his glass to propose a toast and we all repeated what he said and clinked our glasses

"Hey Diggory are you joining in the TriWizzard tournament?" A guy asked Cedric

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