Chapter 39

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The New Hufflepuff Captain

Cedric was already sitting by side when I woke up, why didn't he woke me up? "Morning, Gape" he said as he smiled at me, his looks changed. His hair got shorter and his features became more mature.

"So did you never planned on visiting me until I told Hermione to come and find you?!" I scolded him and punched his shoulder. He flinched and held his shoulder in pain.

"That hurts!" he complained as he massaged it.

"TWO FUCKING MONTHS! Be thankful that you only got punched and did not lose a limb for not visiting me or writing me a letter!" I yelled at him, he scratched the back of his head as he looked at me with apologetic

"Sorry ok, I was busy." He said as an excuse, not valid though!

"That's not a valid excuse Mr. Cedric FUCKING Diggory and what was I hearing about you stepping down as the Hufflepuff's captain?!" I asked him aggressively, my cussing made him look at me weirdly

"Can you please stop cussing" he said but I still glared at him

"Can you both keep it down, there are other students here" said Blaise who just woke up and was already glaring at us. I mouthed an apology but he just rolled his eyes on me and smirked at me before closing the curtains separating our beds.

Cedric looked at me and I gave him THE LOOK, his forehead creased and confusion was marked all over his face, "What?" he asked at me.

"You haven't answered my question yet" I said, his mouth formed an 'o' when he realized what I was pertaining to.

"Oh, I needed to focus more in my studies so I stepped down as Hufflepuff's Quidditch captain, but I'm still the seeker though" he explained

"Then who's the new captain then?" I asked as I gave him a curious and confused expression

"Oh, that? The new captain is you Agape" said Cedric, my eyes widened in what I have learned


I was just standing there looking at all the new members of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, Cedric was just standing beside and me and letting me do all the work. Cedric Diggory our Seeker, Zach Smith, Tamsin Apple Bee and of course me, Agape Godfrey are the Chasers with Heidi Macavoy as substitute if ever we got injured, Herbert Fleet our Keeper and finally, Maxine O'Flaherty and Anthony Rickett as the Beaters with Eleanor Branstone as substitute.

"Hey keep it down!" said Diggory and massaged his temple for they were too loud and messy. "Hey!" he said again before finally giving up. He just gestured me to do my thing.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I shouted when I finally lost my temper, they all looked at me with shock expressions marked in their faces. "Not like your former captain, I'm not that kind. I have a bad temper and I'm a very strict captain. So get your ass up in your brooms for we're going to practice!" I shouted and blew my whistle. They all immediately got in their brooms as they panicked and was ready to practice.

"Getting their attention to practice was the hardest part, nice job captain" Cedric said and gave me a wink before going in the bench to watch us practice.

I gave them a 2 hour long practice and scolding before letting them finally rest, they laid immediately in the ground when I told them it was over, like they literally laid down in the grass from they were standing in tiredness. "You went rough on them" said Cedric as he gave me a bottle of water which I drank for I was also tired and it was burning hot out here.

"Yeah, I needed to tell them who's the boss" I said and we both laughed

"Ms. Godfrey, a letter arrived for you" said a 1ST Year Hufflepuff, I thanked him and looked at the letter but there was no name on who it came from

"There's no name indicating on who's it from?" asked Cedric as we both examined the letter

"Yeah, nothing..."

I just got back to my dorm which was my first time ever since I got back here in Hogwarts, so Trisha and Linda might've not know that I haven't arrived, "AGAPE GODFREY!" Trisha said when she saw me enter the room, they rushed to hug me. There was also another girl in the room, "Oh by the way, this is our new roommate, Amanda Anna..." Trisha said but was cut off by the new girl, uh RUDE.

"Amanda Annaliese Rosier, daughter of Evan Rosier, a death eater, 6TH Year" she said in a blank expression, I can't tell if she's emotionless or just...Arrogant.

"Agape Paris Godfrey, pleasure to meet you Amanda" I said and flashed a fake smile and he just gave me a small smile before turning her back on us

"Ugh, rude" I whispered to Linda and Trisha and rolled my eyes

"I know right" Trisha whispered back, "Is she like lost to Hufflepuff? Why the hell is she even in Hufflepuff" she continued and rolled her eyes

We just talked and they told me how their vacation was fabulous and brilliant while I unpacked. It was almost past midnight when decided to call the night off but I didn't sleep immediately. "Lumos" I whispered and a small bright light appeared in the end of my wand as I sat under my blanket. I opened the letter that the First year gave me and read it.

"Ms. Godfrey, I need to tell you something important. Please meet me in the Potions Storage room tomorrow midnight, See you tomorrow Hufflepuff's prefect" I read the letter while whispering so I won't wake the others up. I also have just learned that I was a prefect along with Ernest Macmillan and I'm starting to be the official prefect tomorrow, Susan Bones just substituted for me in the past few weeks.

The next day, I've waited until midnight and stopped patrolling the corridors of Hogwarts to go to the Potion's Storage room


As Zabini went out of Slytherin's common room to look for Malfoy who was a prefect along with Sephitis. "Agape?" he said when he saw Agape Godfrey entering the Potion's storage room. He followed her in and was shocked when the door behind him shut closed by itself.

"Who's there?!" asked Agape as she heard the door shut close

"It's me Zabini..." Blaise answered as his eyes adjusted to the darkness

"Blaise? Are you the one who sent the letter?" Agape asked as she tried to see where Blaise was in the dark.

"What letter?" Zabini asked but suddenly, rumbling sound came and they both bumped into each other

"What was that?" asked Agape as Zabini's eyes widened as he saw what was in front of them, he held Agape's shoulders to face her to the Devil's Snare in front of them both, "Bloody Hell!"


A/N: Thank you for reading Chapter 39 of Ternion || Oliver Wood!!


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