Chapter 37

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Home at last

"Hey, psst!" called while I was laying down the hospital bed while reading a book to catch up with the lessons for I was gone for a whole week. "Hey mudblood" called the voice again, I glared at him as I placed the book in my chest before saying something.

"Call me that one more time and not only your nose will be broken" I said as I gave him a sarcastic smile and fixed my reading glasses.

"Agape!" said a voice, I heard someone's footsteps running towards me. The curtains opened and revealed Rose, my face brightened at the sight of her while Zabini rolled his eyes and closed the curtains that separates out hospital beds. "Thank Merlin you're alive!" she said as she rushed to me to give me a hug.

"Rose, you know my whole body aches right..." I said as I bear with the pain that the bruises and wounds caused, I also had a cast in my right leg and my left arm, I punched Zabini with my right fist last night which was my heavy hand so he should be grateful that he still have a nose and doesn't look like Voldemort.

"Oh sorry, I really missed you Agape" she said as she leaned back to separate from the hug. "I even punched that jerk in the face when he said that he made you go back to your parent's house" she said and I let out a small laugh.

"Where is that guy?" I asked as I looked behind her but he wasn't there.

"Oh, he needed to train new members in the Gryffindor Quidditch team so he couldn't come here, but he told me that he'll visit later" she explained and I gave her a nod.

"Well, well, well, isn't it Roseanne Reverie Scamander-Agapov oh and Zabini a very long name you have, hello new step-sister" said a voice, I rolled my eyes for I already knew it was, Rose turned around and saw Blaise looking us at while flashing a teasing smile.

"Guess you're also an Agapov now, Zabini" Rose said and gave him a sarcastic smile

"Your father married his mom?" I asked as my eyes widened. All I knew was Mrs. Zabini already had been widowed six times, her husbands all died for unknown reasons and they were all rich. Very suspicious for me.

"Tried to stop him from being killed but he didn't listened and still married that bitch" she said as she rolled her eyes while facing me which made me laugh a little.

"What did you say?" asked Zabini and we both looked at him

"Nothing, little brother" she said and I busted out of laughter

The afternoon came and Oliver visited me in the hospital wing along with Hermione, Ron and Livie who was really worried about me. "I'm so jealous of your wand, Agape" said Hermione as she admired my new wand that I bought from Ollivander just yesterday

"I'm not in either Hufflepuff or Gryffindor, Agape" said Olivia, I was also shocked when I heard that she was sorted into Slytherin, but in second thought, she actually possessed so many Slytherin traits.

"Its fine Livie, being a Slytherin isn't always a bad thing...I'm sure you've met Lilith Sephitis" I said and she gave me a nod

"She's the new Slytherin prefect along with Malfoy" she said, the couple are both prefects. Interesting...

"Hey Wood, was it fun teaching 1ST years how to catch a quaffle" Zabini sneered, we all looked at him as he smirked. I let out a heavy sigh for he was interfering again.

"Shut up Blaise" I said as I glared at him with my pair of autumn green eyes.

"Oh, first name basis..." whispered Ron, "Yeah, I should really keep quiet" he said when I looked at him and gestured zippering his mouth and throwing the key.

"Excited to lose Zabini?" said Oliver, Blaise raised a brow and smirked at what Oliver said

"No Wood, this time, we win" Zabini muttered proudly, this arrogant asshole is getting to my nerves, Merlin's beard!

He just kept on talking in talking, and interrupting our conversations until I got tired and glared at him, "Shut it!" I yelled at him

"Or what?" he said and gave me a teasing look. I closed my eyes and clenched my fist as I tried to control my temper which was very hard because even his presence in this room pisses me. "Or else what mudbloo..." he didn't get to finish what he was saying for I opened my eyes and pointed my wand towards him before uttering a spell.

"Oscausi!" I shouted, he became quiet for his mouth was covered, his words were muffled. He was temporarily mute.

"Agape!" said Hermione, "Reverse that right now!" she scolded me for what I've done to Zabini.

"He kept on talking and talking so I needed to do it, besides its just temporary. I'll give it back later if you keep quiet" I said and let out giggle as I looked at Blaise who is still in shock for his mouth had disappeared.

When they finally left, I reversed the spell and Blaise shouted at me, I covered my ears for it was too loud. Good thing we were the only students in the Hospital wing for Odelle was out to eat with her girlfriend. "My mother will hear about this!" he shouted at me as I covered my ears.

"Goodness Mr. Zabini, stop shouting, you're in the hospital wing!" Madam Pomfrey scolded him as she approached me to tend to my broken leg. I stuck my tongue out to tease Blaise and he just glared at me before closing the curtains that separates our beds.

"I hate the new Defense the Dark Arts teacher, you're so lucky that you're still not attending her classes Agape, its torture! She's mental!" Lily complained as she sat beside me while I read the book she gave me to catch up with the lesson in the Potions class

"What's her name again?" I asked her as I took off my reading glasses and placed it in the table nearby my bed.

"UmBITCH, oh wait I meant Dolores Umbridge" she said as she rolled her eyes, we both laughed. "What's that on your neck?" she asked again as she looked at the black thing on my neck, I fixed my turtleneck before I said something.

"It's nothing, just a bruise..." I lied and luckily, she believed that. Or did she?

I touched my emerald necklace who wasn't glowing, thank Merlin. I flinched when it suddenly became hot, I let go of it and looked at it and it was glowing again. "Why is your necklace always glowing?" asked Lily as we both looked at it with curious eyes

"I also don't have a fucking idea..."


A/N: Thank you for reading! don't forget to Vote, Comment and Follow me!


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