Chapter 87

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Snowballs and Rosiers

~Amanda Annaliese Rosier~

"What'd you want, Zee?" I asked, looking at the two way mirror in my hand as soon as Black and Bones were out of our dormitory.

"Any news with the cabinet?" asked Zee, by the looks of it he was in their house, at the Diggory's

"None, those two prats haven't progressed on anything yet. Just failed attempts with the cursed Opal necklace or something from that cheap shop at Diagon Alley in that Borgin and Pukes or Burkes shop." I answered, now standing up to pack my things, I started with the ones in my nightstand.

It was almost Christmas and I'm spending it at the Diggory's to help him train to be an official Death Eater of course. I don't like that Diggory, I don't like my older sister's garbage. Gaia Sicilian Rosier, yes Gaia as in the ancestral mother of all life and yes, Sicilian as in the chess thingy or something.

My mother named her that because she liked chess so much but she never got to achieve her dream to be a well-known chess player because my grandparents thought it was lame and she should just be something more useful to her husband.

Sicil had a relationship with Zee back in their year here in Hogwarts, even though Zee was a year younger than her, but they broke up after like 2 or 3 months. My sister was the more famous Rosier, she was always the smartest and better than me. But all of that changed when she chose to marry a muggle, a fucking bloody disgusting muggle.

The name Rosier was at risk because of her unwise move and since then the name Rosier was my burden to carry at my shoulders. Becoming a Death Eater at such a young age, taking people's lives at just the age of 15 and watching them suffer and scream on top of their lungs, sometimes I hear it in my sleep or I dream of it, over and over again. But it doesn't bother or traumatize me, my father was a Death Eater, I've seen him kill a shit ton of people in front of us both my sister and I so I was just emotionless and blank when I kill one.

"Well you should maybe help them out—"

I cut him off on that. I picked up the two way mirror and glared at him.

"Why should I? I tried to help them at first remember? But they said no and no is no mate, nothing more. Their lost." I said sharply as I dropped the mirror my bed, not caring if it breaks.

"Okay then, Amanda." Said Diggory teasingly. I glared at him in the two way mirror once again.

"DON'T." I uttered and picked the two way mirror up once again. "CALL ME," I uttered opening my drawer. "AMANDA!" I said sharply before dropping the two way mirror in the drawer and closing it shut, I could hear him shout but it was muffled. I finished packing and went out immediately.

I got out of the castle and to the grounds, the snow was falling lightly, I looked down and saw Sephitis who was watching those damn kids play in the grounds, throwing snowballs to each other. I smirked at the sight of her, I slowly went down in the marble staircase and then a first year from Slytherin bumped into me.

"I'm so sorry!" he squinted as he looked up to me. I raised an eyebrow as I looked down to the little boy, Merlin I hate children as much as I hate myself but I had a plan circling and drifting inside my head.

"You know how you can make it up to me?" I said, slouching down to his height. He looked at me attentively as he listened to the next thing that I was going to say. "Go and throw a snowball to that bloody girl over there, and I won't bury you alive." I said as I pointed at Sephitis' direction, his forehead creased.

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