Chapter 52

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The Unsung Hero

                  "Are you okay, Agape?" Harry's voice made me go back to reality, he looked at me worriedly with his pair of glimmering emerald eyes.

                  "Huh?" I asked as I turned to him, a piece of bread was on my mouth and already falling while the whole bread was in my hands.

                   "I said, are you okay?" he said as a hand went to my chin and closed my mouth, I looked up and saw Oliver who was now sitting down in the empty space beside me.

                  "Uh, yeah, I'm good just some thoughts" I lied and took a piece of the bread I was eating and placed it in my mouth. They stopped talking and just ate our breakfast peacefully.

                  It was a few days before the Easter holidays, it had been two days since I've known that I was actually part of the Black family, that I was the daughter of Regulus Black and Aunt— I mean, Vivienne Black. It all made sense to me, how I was always in that dark room where I can see memories of Regulus Black and mine's and how I saw him in the Room of Requirement. I wonder if Sirius knows that he's alive, Dumbledore had told me yesterday that Regulus was now out of the school ground. Where could he be staying? Perhaps Vivienne's restaurant?

                The weather grew breezier, brighter and warmer as the holidays passed, it was just a month after the accident in the Quidditch cup, my injuries had fully healed and my eye sight had got so worse that I can even borrow Harry's glasses now. "You've been quiet for some time now, did I do something wrong?" asked Oliver as we walked in the corridors of Hogwarts

               "No, I just had so many things in my head..." I said, he was about to talk again when Ginny had interrupted us.

               "Hey, I wanna show you something" Oliver said as he pulls me to a corner and got out a small bottle and handed to me. The Weasley twins was there, which made it very suspicious.

               "What's this?" I asked and was going to turn the bottle to see the label but he stopped my hand before I could take a glance at it.

               "Smell it but don't look at the label yet..." said Oliver and placed the bottle closer to my face.

              "If this is poison and you want to kill me, then you should've picked place with less crowd, Wood." I said as I opened the lid and gave if a quick sniff. "Is this your cologne?" I asked him, and as our eyes met, his eyes held amusement and from that moment I knew it wasn't his cologne, the corner of his lips twitched as he looked back just like what he does before he laughs at something

             "No, look at the label..." he said. I eyed them suspiciously but looked at it anyways with my forehead creased, making my eyebrows nearly meeting.

             "Amortentia...." I uttered as I read the label of the bottle that he made me smell. My eyes widened at the label while I felt heat rushing to my cheeks. So that why his gaze towards me was teasing. I cleared my throat letting out a small cough and tried to calm down from the embarrassment that I was now feeling. Placing it down and avoiding their gazes while George had a grumpy expression.

               "Alrighty then, give me my money, George—" I heard Fred uttered

              "—Oy, Wood you gotta pay for that also, mate" said George as I heard the clanking of coins. Did they bet on who I would smell too? "I actually thought she would smell her scent again, Blimey!" George muttered in disappointment.

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