Start from the beginning

"Thank you," Kang Daniel smiled, "What're you excited for?"

"Umm," Fai paused to think, "Performing."

Zico asked Fai, "After all the touring you've done the past couple of months, you still feel excited to perform?"

"Yeah, it's fun. I like it when people cheer for me."

"So you like the attention?" Kang Daniel asked.

"If anyone in this industry says they don't like getting attention when they perform are a liar."

Zico nodded, "Ooo that's right, the ones who complain about getting attention are the same ones who cry when they don't get it."

"I don't really enjoy the attention much," Kang Daniel trailed.

Zico gasped, "Liar! If you didn't like the attention then why are you here as a soloist?"

"Let's just come to the conclusion that all three of us here, like the attention we receive when we perform," Fai said

Kang Daniel let out a laugh nodding, "Sure, we can. You exposed me."

"Kang Daniel-ssi, we need you backstage." A staff worker came, presumably to get Kang Daniel ready for his performance. The ad-break was done and the show was going to carry on.

"Fai-yah," Zico called around ten minutes later. The two sat in silence as they watched two groups perform.

Fai turned to look at her senior, "Yes Oppa?"

"I have a song I finished producing, I want to write the lyrics with you and maybe then you would like to release the song."

"Are you being serious?"

Zico nodded, "Yes, I am. How does that sound?"

Fai pouted her lips feeling emotional, "Oppa... No high ranking producer ever wanted to write with me or give me a song."

"Oh God, why do you look so emotional?"

"It's a big deal for me," Fai started to tear up, "I never thought there would be a day where someone would ask to write a song with me."

Zico patted Fai's back, "Please don't cry. People will think I said something bad to you."

"I don't know why I'm like this."

Zico sighed pulling out his handkerchief and wiped Fai's under-eye, "You're still a baby."

"Oppa please tap, you're removing my makeup," Fai sniffed.

"Well stop tearing up then your makeup won't be removed," Zico listened to Fai and started to tap her under eyes using the handkerchief, "I regret asking you."

"Fai-ssi, we need you backstage for a bit." A producer came.

Fai stood up, "I'll see you later."

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⋰˚☆ Artist of the Year award

"I feel really flustered. Winning a Daesang that is Artist of the Year is the last thing I thought I would win tonight. I really don't know whether I have the right to receive this award instead of the people in front of me, as well as the many other artists who have shared such incredible music with us. There are so many things I would like to say and they're not organised in my head, but I'll try to speak calmly.

"Umm, I would like to convey my thanks to Bang Shi Hyuk PD-nim, the Big Hit composers, and all the many other staff. Additionally, I would like to especially to thank Son Sungdeok-nim and all the choreographers in the company, also to the dancers who perform alongside me. To my label mates, BTS Sunbaenim and Tomorrow by Together, thank you for making every day in the company feel a lot less lonely. Also, to all my friends and family, thank you for always giving me strength. And lastly, to Destinies, if it weren't for you then I would not be standing here and receiving this award.

"Truly, to me, I thought I was nothing, but the fact that I could seriously receive acknowledgement through music and receive so much love from Destinies, I feel that I am somebody in this industry. You send me messages saying that you receive healing due to my music, that you're happy because of me and every time I receive messages like that, I get a lump in my throat. Because of you, I always think that I should continue to deliver good music and performances to you all.

"Honestly, after I return home having finished a big event like this one, as I go home, it truly feels weak... No, that's not the right word, it feels really dull? Empty... Soulless? I don't think any of those words are right, I'm sorry.

"Like I...I just work hard in the company, make music, practise in the practice room, and after that, I dance and sing on a floor that is as black as this one, and that's all there is to it. I always think whether, I, as a soloist in an industry filled with groups, if I can actually achieve something, whether I'm actually in the process of doing something. Thoughts like these, they make my nights long and painfully dark.

"But all of you have become the lamp to that long and dark night of mine. I know I'm actually quite tall, but in an industry like this, surrounded by all these large and rightfully successful groups, I feel really small. However, I will try my hardest to become someone and to be a lamp that brightens your night. I love you. I'll work hard. Thank you!"

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⋰˚☆ Aya's Thoughts

So I made the decision that I won't be updating in the weekends

what did you think of the chapter? u guys wanted hyunjin & fai to interact so i gave u hyunjin

any requests?

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