Chapter Forty Eight

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The Whole World Fell In One Night

The silent ringing in my head pierces my eardrums, slicing through my brain and stabbing at my mind like a thick metal rod has be forced through my temples. Every breath is like a stab to my chest, someone knifing their way into me.

I used an unforgivable curse and meant every word of it. I killed Draco's father. He's dead out there in the mud.

Eden and Blaise are dead too. They're dead—and have been taken somewhere. Snatched from life right before my eyes.

And what did I do? I froze. I watched like a doe in headlights; couldn't look away, couldn't move.

They died. They're dead.
Side by side. Holding hands. And my heart shattered again into a million pieces.

I can't hear Eden laugh again or watch her get mad at Blaise for leaving odd socks around her room, or watch Draco and Blaise roll their eyes as she screams the words to a Bon Jovi song and mimes an air guitar, jumping up and down on the bed with a joint between her lips.

She was too good for this world. They both were.

Now, they're just a memory.

I remember Draco—the day he said he liked me—the day I left. Our promise.

We promised and I left. I left him again.
He'll never forgive me now.

I remember. I fucking remember. And my selfish, robbing, heartless father took it away from me. From us.

I remember you, Draco. I remember. I'm committed to your memory.

My Draco. I was your Olli.

Draco and Olli carved into the oak tree by the lake. We were just kids.

Please. Forgive me, Draco.

I gradually stir on the cold stone floor of the empty Astronomy Tower. I drag my body to lean up against the wall, checking myself over for any injuries. I flex my left arm to re-coordinate my movements. I remain covered in mud and white dust from the explosion.

I check my arms for wounds or cuts. None. Unharmed. I wave of relief washes over my body. I pull out mud from my hair and pat it down. I pull my necklace from under my uniform, close my eyes and press my fingers to it—hoping Draco is wearing his ring.

Where is he?

And Blaise—and Eden...they're gone.

I need to get to Maddie—I need to find Draco.

I look down at the rest of my body, my senses finally regroup to discover a cold burning pain in my chest. A piece of shrapnel rammed into my lower right rib cage, breaking bones in its wake, hence why every breath is like being stabbed.

I'm completely alone under the starless and chilling sky. As if the entire school is wilting like a dead rose—it senses the death of the Headmaster.

I immediately grab my wand and land a handful of healing spells after I scream from removing the piece of shrapnel —Vulnera Sanentur; one Uncle Severus taught me—and then pack the wound as best I can with conjured cloth and a bandaging charm.

I don't know how long I've been lying here—dreaming—or remembering.

I've already wasted enough time—I need to find Draco.

I don't bother banishing the dried blood or the mud or dust, I stagger to my feet and clutched my lower rib cage with my left arm, holding together the freshly patch up wound. I pull the fabric back over my mouth, just below my eyes and stumble out the hall.

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