Chapter Ten

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| predatory behaviour |


Draco Malfoy

I stumble down the corridor, exhausted. I needed something to take my mind off the task I've been assigned to do.

She felt so good dripping on my fingers and tasted good too. Damn.

That's all I've been able to think about over the course of the past weeks. I keep replaying it in my head. The way she moaned my name, even though she didn't want to; she still did.

I honestly thought I hated her ever since she arrived, she's a fucking half-blood for god sake but in reality she's all I think about, that tiny little waist and Lord have mercy on her tight ass in gym gear. The way she toys with her hair when she's trying to concentrate, her soft gaze as she daydreams out the window in class, the way she twists and fiddles with her little rings on her delicate fingers when she's nervous, like me I guess, and the way she snaps at me when she's mad, usually I would fly into a fit of rage - no one talks to me like that especially anyone who isn't a Pure-Blood elite, but with her I just find it so fucking hot. I can't stop thinking how she just falls apart in my hands.

We've been fucking for a few weeks now, meaninglessly fucking each other's brains out. I need a good distraction right now and holy shit does she do the trick, but it's starting to weigh on me; I actually feel guilty for using her.

What am I saying, constant fucking with no commitment? Yes please.

I carry myself to the common room where I find Blaise, Eden and Ophelia sat casually chatting on the sofas. She sees me approaching and make a b-line for her room.

"I'm gonna do some more studying in my room, can I get ready with you Eden for tonight, I need an outfit desperately." She says before ascends the stairs to her dorm.

"Yeah sure hun, I'll come and join you in a bit," replies Eden.

"Sup guys," I sign as I flop onto the sofa where Ophelia sat.

"Hey, y'all ready to get fucking wasted tonight? The seventh years are throwing a house party; it's about time we all get high and drunk, we deserve it for all our hard work." Blaise sarcastically remarks.

"Omg yeah, I've needed an excuse to get absolutely shitfaced for so long now and my shining opportunity is finally here, praise the Lord." Eden squeals in excitement.

"Eh, I don't know if I'll be drinking tonight. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow." I run my hands through my hair, leaving it messy. It's the end of the day, I don't care anymore what I look like, I'm tired.

"Oh, come on Malfoy! It's Friday! What could you possibly be doing over the weekend that's so important and besides you make parties so much fun? You are the life of the party, man"

I avoid his question, if only he knew how important this is.

"Okay, fine I will drink a bit but I'm not getting high. Is that a fair deal?"

"Yessssss, okay I'm happy. I can work with that." Blaise cheers.

I just roll my eyes and smile.

"What time does it start anyway?" I inquire.

"Meh around 8ish I think" Eden replies.

"Well, it's half 6 now, doesn't it take you and Ophelia like 3 hours to get ready?" I joke at Eden.

" Ha.ha.ha. Very funny Malfoy, it probably will take me 3 hours to try and cover all those bruises and hickeys she has." Eden nudges me.

I gulp. I think I know where they came from, but the ones I left weren't even that bad.

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